Fun Certificate Ideas for High School
- Use the category of “most likely to” when creating fun certificates for high school students. Typically these types of awards are given to honor students who demonstrate drive and ambition. In this case, however, these are handed out for different reasons. Remember when creating them to be sensitive to the students and do everything possible to avoid hurting their feelings. A few examples for this category are “Most likely to win a marathon,” “Most likely to become a hair sylist,” and “Most likely to work on Wall Street.”
- The category of “least likely to,” is also a fun way of making people laugh. Some answers for this sentence could be “Least likely to go to college,” “Least likely to become an athlete,” and “Least likely to live in a big city.”
- Give certificates to students for things they accomplished, or didn’t accomplish. This can be a fun category if you honor students for things like “Accomplishment for the Most School Days Missed,” or “Most Tardies.” You can also honor people for the most amount of trips to the principal’s office or being yelled at the most.
- If you are on a committee making up fun certificates, the possibilities for “most interesting,” are unlimited. For example, you could give a certificate for the “Most interesting hair,” or “Most interesting clothing style.” Be sure to use sarcasm when you create these so that everyone understands they are jokes. For example, do not give the guy with the best hair the award for most interesting hair.