Technology computers-hardware

Dedicated Exchange Server Hosting

    Dedicated Vs. Shared

    • Dedicated hosts are physical servers with Microsoft Exchange configured to serve only one corporate client. Shared hosts are physical servers with Microsoft Exchange that are configured to serve multiple corporate clients.


    • Hosting companies often offer scalable dedicated hosting solutions which allow companies to more easily expand as needed. Depending on the host and their service agreement, hosting companies are responsible for hardware and software upgrades, which saves the client company money.


    • Hardware problems with a remotely hosted, dedicated server may not be apparent to a locally based corporate IT support team. When hardware problems do occur, companies may be dependent on their host to fix any issues, resulting in downtime.


    • A dedicated, remotely hosted Exchange server allows a company to save money on the cost of ownership and administration, such as server room maintenance and dedicated Exchange support personnel. Remotely hosted servers may be inaccessible to users if the company's Internet connection goes down.

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