Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Be Rich in Flyff

    • 1). Fight monsters to generate Penya. Fighting monsters will increase your Penya little by little. Monsters also sometimes drop items and weapons that can be sold to merchants.

    • 2). Collect items left behind by other players. Some higher-level players will fight monsters out in the field and leave behind items that they can't use. Collect these items and sell them back in shops.

    • 3). Open your own private shop. The best place to open shops is in highly trafficked areas that don't already have a lot of shops, such as a field near where players frequently battle. You can sell healing items for a higher price because people will need them after fighting monsters.

    • 4). Go on quests to receive Penya as a reward. Visit the quest office in the game or visit fansites to find offers of quests. Many quests offer Penya as a reward. Go on the quest, complete the assigned task and return to the quest office or whoever is offering the quest to receive the reward money.

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