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How to Choose Snow Tires

    • 1). Check your car's owner's manual for specific requirements for tire size and type. Do not deviate from the specs set out in your owner's manual.

    • 2). Consider the climate and average snowfall of your area, as well as the level of road maintenance. If you live in an area where temperatures are rarely below zero and do most of your driving on well maintained roads, high performance winter tires would be your best choice. If, however, you live in a colder climate and do most of your driving on snow covered roads, severe winter tires are your best choice. Severe winter tires perform best when used over a covering of snow, whereas high performance winter tires perform best on dry pavement.

    • 3). If you live in an area where winters are severe and you regularly have to drive on both ice and snow, you should consider getting studded snow tires. These are not legal in all areas or at all times of the year, however, so check your local laws regarding studded snow tires. These tires are highly specialized and are only necessary in the most extreme winter conditions.

    • 4). If you live in an area where it snows only occasionally, you may opt for all-season tires. These tires can be used year-round.

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