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How to Get Rid of Quickfind

    Firefox Preferences

    • 1). Launch the Firefox Web browser.

    • 2). Click the "Firefox" menu, and then choose "Preferences..." from the drop-down menu options. The "Preferences" window will open.

    • 3). Select the "Advanced" tab followed by the "General" sub-tab.

    • 4). Clear the check box that corresponds to the "Search for text when I start typing" option. Close the "Preferences" window. Quick Find is now turned off.

    Advanced Configuration

    • 1). Launch Firefox. Type "about:config" (without quotations) in the address bar. Press "Enter." A warning page will display.

    • 2). Click the "I will be careful, I promise!" button. A list of preferences displays under the "Preference Name" column.

    • 3). Right-click an empty space within the list. A pop-up menu will open. Choose "New," and then choose the "Boolean" option. A "New boolean value" dialog box displays. Type the name "searchkeys.disable.all" and click "OK."

    • 4). Choose "True" from the dialog box. Click "OK" and close Firefox. Quick Find will now be disabled.

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