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How To Check & Diagnose A Coolant System Leak in a 2000 Camry

    • 1). Open the hood on the 2000 Camry by hand. Make sure the engine is cold to the touch. Remove the radiator cap and set it aside.

    • 2). Screw the cooling system pressure tester onto the radiator filler neck by hand. Pump the pressure tester up by hand and watch the pressure gauge until the gauge starts to drop.

    • 3). Shine the flashlight on the radiator tank seams, radiator hose inlet and outlet and radiator core looking for a leak. If you find none, move to step four.

    • 4). Shine the flashlight around the top of the engine, following each coolant hose and inspecting the seal around the intake manifold looking for leaks. You will need the inspection mirror to see the back side of the engine. If no leaks are evident, move on to step five.

    • 5). Shine the flashlight on the water pump, mounted on the front of the engine. Shine the flashlight on the freeze plugs, located along the bottom of the engine and the heater hoses running from the top of the engine to the firewall.

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