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How to Install Drupal 6.6 PostgreSQL for Windows XP

    • 1). Double click on the Drupal installation file and click on the location of your Web server document on your PC as the destination source.

    • 2). Open the Drupal program and type the following command "% createuser test_drupal --pwprompt --encrypted" and press "Enter."

    • 3). Input in the desired password for the user account twice, and select "N" when asked whether the user should be allowed to create new databases or users.

    • 4). Type in "% createdb test_drupal --owner=test_drupal," press "Enter," type in "CREATE DATABASE," and press "Enter."

    • 5). Type in "psql -U test_drupal -f /path/to/drupal/database/database.pgsql" and press "Enter."

    • 6). Set the "$db_url" to "pgsql://test_drupal:password@localhost/test_drupal" and set the "$base_url" to the website address to which you wish to link your database.

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