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How to Change the Rear Brake Pads on a 2006 Harley FLT

    Inner Brake Pad

    • 1). Take the right saddlebag off of the bike to allow access to the brake area. Locate and remove the screws on the reservoir of the rear master cylinder with the Phillips-head screwdriver.

    • 2). Start the removal of the brake pad pins on the inside pad by unscrewing. Do not remove them completely yet.

    • 3). Push in the pistons that are holding the brake pad on as far as possible. Use a large, wide putty knife to pry the inner brake pad up from the caliper. Get the pistons down and break the pads loose from the caliper. Do not remove the pad or the pad pins.

    • 4). Take note of how the brake pad is positioned. The brake pistons should be in their lowest position. Ease the pad pins partially out. The pad will drop off.

    • 5). Insert the new pad in the same position as the old one. The curve of the pad should be toward the rear of the bike.

    • 6). Insert the pins. Do not tighten.

    • 7). Depress the pedal for the brake in and out. Stop when the pistons pop out and touch the brake pad.

    • 8). Tighten the pins.

    Outside Brake Pad

    • 1). Working with the outside brake pad, push the pistons as done in the inner brake pad procedure in Section 1.

    • 2). Take the pad pins out of the pad. Notice where the pads are positioned.

    • 3). Insert the new brake pad in the same position as the old one. Face the curved side to the rear of the bike.

    • 4). Insert the pad pins. Tighten to 180 lbs. to 200 lbs.

    • 5). Depress the pedal for the brake in and out. Stop when the pistons pop out and touch the brake pad. Tighten the pins.


    • 1). Check the levels of the brake fluid. Add more to reach the "Full" line in the reservoir.

    • 2). Take a careful look at the gasket in the reservoir. The gasket should not be stretched out. Push it carefully in before replacing the cover.

    • 3). Replace the reservoir cover. Tighten the screws to 6 lbs. to 8 lbs. of pressure.

    • 4). Replace the saddlebag. Test the brake by pressing the pedal a few times with the ignition in the "On" position.

    • 5). Take the bike for a test ride.

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