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How to Test for Bad Wheel Bearings

    • 1). Drive your vehicle and note any signs of wobbling from the wheels while turning. Pay close attention to any unusual grinding or moaning sounds coming from a particular wheel.

    • 2). Park your car and set the emergency brake.

    • 3). Raise the end of the vehicle where you noticed noise with a jack and secure it on jack stands. Place wheel chocks behind each of the wheels on the ground to prevent the car from rolling. Examine the raised tires for any uneven signs of wear on the treads. Place both hands on one of the tires and grip it tightly, with one hand at the top and one hand at the bottom. Try to rock the wheel back and forth. While a small amount of movement is normal (it should not feel snug but it should slightly move), excessive movement means that the bearings are damaged and will need to be replaced.

    • 4). Rotate each raised tire manually, noting any noise that it makes while turning. Any type of grinding noise or irregularity in the rotation could mean that the bearings need to be replaced.

    • 5). Raise the vehicle with the jack, remove the stands then lower it to the ground. Perform the above inspection on the other end of the car if necessary.

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