Technology computers-hardware

How to Put Out a Computer Fire

Things You'll Need



Keep a fire extinguisher made specifically for electrical fires within easy reach of the computer. Ideally, this should be a Halotron I extinguisher. While expensive, it is made particularly for computer rooms and other electronics areas.

Fight the fire only if it is small and contained. Otherwise, evacuate the building along with everyone else and call the fire department.

Close all doors entering the room where the computer fire is burning.

Use the acronym PASS when putting out a fire--pull, aim, squeeze, sweep. Pull the pin on the fire extinguisher and press down the handle. Using a sweeping motion, spray the entire area of the fire, sending the spray to the bottom of the flames.

Continue the instructions in Step 4 until you extinguish the fire. Slowly move away from the area, continuing to check for embers trying to re-ignite.

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