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How Do I Read the BSOD When a Computer Crashes?

    • 1). Find the first section of the Windows stop message--the error message. This is the most important part of the BSOD and consists of a hexadecimal error code followed by a message that reads "A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer" and then the text error message, which can be used to troubleshoot your computer problem.

    • 2). Read the text error message. Part of understanding the Blue Screen of Death is deciphering the error message itself. For example, the messages "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" and "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" generally indicate a bad device driver or a hardware conflict. "REGISTRY_ERROR" indicates an error in the system registry or a problem reading the registry from the hard disk and "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" occurs when Windows cannot access a boot device, such as a hard disk. There are many kinds of error messages, so it is recommended that you consult a comprehensive list of error codes for more information (see Resources).

    • 3). Identify the second section of the Windows stop message--recommended user action. This section tends to be the same for every error message and begins with the sentence "If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer," which should be your first course of action. The rest of the message consists of general troubleshooting tips such as disabling or removing newly installed software or hardware, and how to reboot your computer in Safe Mode.

    • 4). Look for the third section of the Windows stop message--driver information. This section consists of a single line of text and begins with three asterisks (***). If a driver file is responsible for the error message, which is common, the file will be listed here.

    • 5). Read the fourth and final section--the debug port and status information section. When the error occurs, Windows will attempt to dump the system memory into a file on the hard disk or to one of the COM ports, which will be listed here, along with a status report indicating whether or not the memory dump was successful.

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