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E89 Parts - Upgrading A Unique Niche Car

The E89 Z4 is such a stunningly beautiful car, it has attracted throngs of BMW enthusiasts.
Unfortunately, however, it is still a very low production car, when compared with the 3 series or even the 5 series.
In light of this, many aftermarket parts companies simply opt not to product E89 parts.
This can leave you, the avid enthusiast, frustrated and without options.
Fear not, there is hope! The Big Tuners The big tuners such as AC Schnitzer, Hamann, Hartge, and even 3D Design will always make a full "program" (a line of performance, aerodynamics, wheels, suspension, braking, and interior parts) for every car.
Though their parts are expensive, they do sell the pieces individually, so you can purchase just about anything you want for your E89 Z4 from one of these companies.
As far as suspension, the big guys like H&R & KW come out with options for every single car on the market - so you're covered there! The OEM+ Option If that doesn't work, you can always resort to subtle modifications such as upgrading to BMW's Sport Package body kit, or subtly enhancing your original parts.
The Universal Option There are a lot of components on your Z4 (shift knobs, pedals, wheels, intake filters< etc) which are borrowed from other models, and thus aftermarket parts made for those cars can be used on yours, as well.
Make sure you speak to someone knowledgable about this, who is confident the parts will fit.
The Custom Option If all else fails, you can always find a good body shop, exhaust shop, or tuning shop, and the sky is the limit.
They can weld together a custom catback exhaust, make a custom front bumper out of your OEM bumper, or even widebody the whole thing for you.
Though some of your favorite tuners haven't yet (and may never) come out with parts for your E89 Z4, there still are a lot of options, and you shouldn't feel discouraged.

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