Technology computers-hardware

How to Make a 3D Car on the Computer

    • 1). Get a graphic file that displays the left side view of a car selected for modeling.

    • 2). Purchase or obtain one of the CAD programs listed in this article's Resources section. Once download and install of the program are complete, open it and select its left "Viewport."

    • 3). Create a plane object in the left "Viewport." (In this reference "plane" refers to a simple, flat surface.) Use the CAD program's material or texture editor to load the car graphic onto the plane.

    • 4). Begin creating the car's body: create another plane in front of the first one. Then make the plane translucent so it can be seen through. Alternatively, apply the program's function for displaying selected objects in "Wireframe" mode.

    • 5). Shape the body: enter the mode for editing the components of objects (i.e., its faces, edges and vertices). Next select the program's cut tool, which creates new edges on an object.

    • 6). Use the cut tool to trace the outline of the car's profile. Then, select all of the faces outside that profile and delete them. What appears is the 2D outline (or silhouette) of the car.

    • 7). Make the car three dimensional: select the extrusion tool, which stretches 2D shapes into 3D objects.

    • 8). Switch to any perspective view of the car. Apply the extrusion tool to the car's silhouette. End the extrusion when the car reaches a plausible width. Note: perspective views are those that show parallel lines converging, in contrast to the non-converging lines of orthographic views.

    • 9). Add tires: create four cylinders. Apply the "Rotate and Move" tools to position each of them inside the car's wheel wells.

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      Re-enter the material editor and select colors for the car. Refer to the car's photo when selecting the body's color. Select black to color the tires and windows.

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      Apply the colors selected to the appropriate parts of the car. Select the render function to see the completed 3D car.

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