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How Do I Tune an Audi 100?

    Air Filter

    • 1). Locate the air filter to be removed. Older models of the Audi 100 will feature a large, circular air filter in the middle of the engine, housed in a black filter case. Newer models harness filters tucked away to one side for space efficiency.

    • 2). Use the necessary wrench and loosen the bolts that secure the air filter in place with the rest of the intake system.

    • 3). Lift the air filter from its position slowly, careful not to spill dust and debris onto the intake system or nearby engine parts.

    • 4). Clean any build-up or debris that has fallen into or around the intake system area. Keeping this area clean is as important as keeping the intake system clean.

    • 5). Lower the new filter into place and align with intake system. Bolt the new filter into place.

    Spark Plugs and Wires

    • 1). Use the wire puller and pull the spark plug wires from their respective plugs, pulling from the boot. Perform these actions individually to ensure correct replacement and installation.

    • 2). Inspect the spark plugs and wires for corrosion, overheating marks, wetness or any other physical damage. Replacing these parts is cheaper and much more effective than trying to clean or repair them.

    • 3). Remove the spark plugs with the necessary wrench, turning them counter-clockwise. Remove wires by hand.

    • 4). Install the new spark plugs by hand, turning clockwise until tight.

    • 5). Replace the spark plug wires as needed. Attach each wire to the corresponding spark plug. Repeat steps for each spark plug and wire set.

    Oil and Oil Filter

    • 1). Lift the front end of the Audi 100 off the ground with the provided jack. Place the oil recycling container underneath the oil pan. Contact your local dealer for proper disposal methods.

    • 2). Remove the plug in the bottom of the oil pan and let all of the old drain completely. Replace plug once finished.

    • 3). Unscrew the oil filter with the necessary wrench size by turning it counter-clockwise.

    • 4). Fill the new oil filter 2/3 full with motor oil. Handscrew the new filter into place.

    • 5). Add motor oil to the engine's oil compartment. Check the dipstick to monitor levels of oil. Add more oil if necessary.

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