How to Remove a 5.0L Timing Cover
- 1). Slip a drain pan beneath the radiator. Open the radiator cap Use a pair of pliers to loosen the petcock at the bottom of the radiator by turning it counterclockwise until it rotates freely. Spin the petcock counterclockwise until it is fully open, allowing the coolant to drain from the radiator.
- 2). Remove the bolts that connect the oil pan to the engine block by attaching a socket from a socket wrench set to any combination of ratchet wrench and extensions that are necessary to reach each bolt, and turning them counterclockwise until they are free of the engine block. Remove the oil pan.
- 3). Remove the crankshaft bolt by putting the correct size socket wrench on the ratchet and turning the bolt counterclockwise until it is free of the crankshaft. Slide the dampener and crankshaft pulley, which is bolted to the damper, off the end of the crankshaft.
- 4). Remove the bolts holding the water pump to the engine block with the ratchet wrench and the appropriate sized socket. Remove the water pump.
- 5). Remove the bolts attaching the timing cover of the 5.0 L engine to the engine block with the ratchet wrench, and/or extensions in the appropriate sized socket wrench. Remove the timing cover from the engine.