Wheat Free Cakes - Making the Perfect Wheat Free Flour Mix!
Are you a fan of wheat free baking? If so then you're probably used to seeing how flours that contain no wheat and especially no gluten can make cookies and cake fall flat like a pancake.
In this article I'll demonstrate how to create a flour mix free of wheat that rises by itself.
By using this type of flour mix one will ensure that the cakes and cookies you're making will bind together and rise higher.
If you aren't on a non-gluten diet then using rye flour would be my recommendation.
It has a nicer flavor to it and is a little healthier than wheat flour.
Also because of the gluten it will rise better.
If gluten is off limits then my recommendation is coconut flour.
It's a great option because of its terrific taste.
Personally I feel that it enhances the flavor of the food you're baking.
Not only that but it actually rises nicely and binds together well in comparison to other flours that are wheat free like oat flour and soy.
Ingredients needed for a wheat or gluten free flour mix are: · The wheat or gluten free flour of your choosing · Baking powder that is free of aluminum · Salt Now to make the mix is a simple and painless process.
For each cup of flour no matter which type you use you'll want to add a teaspoon of baking powder that is free of aluminum and ¼ teaspoon of salt.
Now one thing to remember is that when using the mix to bake cookies or cake you'll have to also add in any salt or baking powder that the actual cookie or cake recipes ask for.
Hopefully you'll get some use out of this little tip and find that it improves the quality of your baking goods going forward.
In this article I'll demonstrate how to create a flour mix free of wheat that rises by itself.
By using this type of flour mix one will ensure that the cakes and cookies you're making will bind together and rise higher.
If you aren't on a non-gluten diet then using rye flour would be my recommendation.
It has a nicer flavor to it and is a little healthier than wheat flour.
Also because of the gluten it will rise better.
If gluten is off limits then my recommendation is coconut flour.
It's a great option because of its terrific taste.
Personally I feel that it enhances the flavor of the food you're baking.
Not only that but it actually rises nicely and binds together well in comparison to other flours that are wheat free like oat flour and soy.
Ingredients needed for a wheat or gluten free flour mix are: · The wheat or gluten free flour of your choosing · Baking powder that is free of aluminum · Salt Now to make the mix is a simple and painless process.
For each cup of flour no matter which type you use you'll want to add a teaspoon of baking powder that is free of aluminum and ¼ teaspoon of salt.
Now one thing to remember is that when using the mix to bake cookies or cake you'll have to also add in any salt or baking powder that the actual cookie or cake recipes ask for.
Hopefully you'll get some use out of this little tip and find that it improves the quality of your baking goods going forward.