Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How do I Put a Trunk Light in My 1997 Honda Civic?

    • 1). Turn off your 1997 Civic's engine and open the trunk using the key or using the inside trunk release -- located next to the driver's seat.

    • 2). Inspect the left edge of the trunk wall to find the trunk light lens. Pry around the edge with the fingernail file or the flathead screwdriver. Pull outward to remove the lens.

    • 3). Grasp the bulb and pull it straight out, unless the holder has no bulb. Insert the trunk lightbulb into the holder.

    • 4). Apply the light lens to the panel. Push it in firmly to snap the lens back on.

    • 5). Turn the trunk light switch next to the lens on to test the trunk light. Turn it off.

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