Technology computers-hardware

How to Get Rid of a Guest With the Linksys E1000

    • 1). Open the Start menu. Click "All Programs," and then click the "Cisco Connect" icon to launch the Cisco Connect software and display the main menu. On a Mac, open the Finder, select the "Applications" folder and double-click the "Cisco Connect" icon.

    • 2). Click the "Guest Access" option in the lower-left corner of the menu.

    • 3). Click the "No" radio button under "Allow Guest Access." From this screen, you can also limit the total number of connected guests using the "Total Guests Allowed" drop-down menu.

    • 4). Click the "Finish" button in the bottom-right corner of the window.

    • 5). Close the Cisco Connect software to return to the desktop.

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