Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Restore Vista Gadgets

    • 1). Make the Sidebar visible on your desktop by clicking the "Start" button on the Windows taskbar. It's usually in the lower-left corner of your desktop.

    • 2). Type "sidebar" in the "Start Search" box; then press "Enter."

    • 3). Add a Gadget to the Sidebar by clicking the plus sign (+) at the top of the Sidebar to open the Gadget Gallery. (You may also right-click anywhere in the Sidebar; then select "Add Gadgets...")

    • 4). Left-click a Gadget and drag it to the Sidebar. Position it anywhere; other Gadgets already there will move. If you select too many Gadgets, the Gadget on the bottom will scroll out of sight, but will reappear if you remove another Gadget.

    • 5). Keep Gadgets on the Sidebar visible at all times while you work (optional) by right-clicking anywhere on the Sidebar, then selecting "Properties." Click the check box "Sidebar is always on top of other windows"; then click "OK."

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