How do I Change Automatic Updates Settings in the Registry?
- Click "Start," type "regedit" in the Search field and press "Enter." The Registry Editor opens. Click the "+" sign next to "HKEY_LOCAL" on the left side. It will expand a list of folders. Click the "+" signs next to "Software" >> "Policies" >> "Microsoft" >> "Windows" >> "WindowsUpdate" >> "AU."
- Right-click anywhere on a blank area on the right side of the window, select ""New" then "DWORD Value." Name the value "NoAutoUpdate." Right-click the Value and click "Modify." The "Edit DWORD Value" dialog box opens. In the Value Data field enter a "0" if you want to enable Automatic Updates, or a "1" if you want to disable Automatic Updates. Click "OK" when you are finished.
- Right-click again on a blank area of the window on the right side, select "New" then "DWORD Value." Name the Value "AUOptions." Right-click the Value and click "Modify." The "Edit DWORD Value" dialog box opens. In the Value Data field enter a "2" to notify of download and installation, enter a "3" for automatically download and notify of installation or enter a "4" to automatically download and schedule installation.