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The File Recovery Tool Talk - Warnings, Tips, Advice

A file recovery tool can help you undo the problem or mistake that lead to losing your important files.
You may start worrying: 'Is my data going to be there? What if it's not? What am I going to do?' Take a deep breath.
Then, take the next few minutes to learn some warnings and advice that could save your data.
The warnings that save data Don't reboot your computer again! Many times people believe that if they restart their computer, their data will show up.
But this is not how you recover lost files and folders.
When you do this, the chances of using a file recovery tool to recover your data becomes less.
Now your computer's operating system could over write some of the files you are trying to recover by restarting your computer.
The same danger exists when the computer is being shut down.
This lead directly into the next not to do point.
Never turn off your computer when you notice a problem has occurred.
Unplug it instead! Normally turning off your computer is not a problem.
But when you are dealing with data recovery and running a file recovery tool, it could keep you from restoring your data.
When you shut off your computer, the operating system is still able to interact with the file system and could end up writing over your files.
If you cut the power source, you also cut off any connections and interactions within the computer, increasing the probability of getting back your files.
Did you know that even an idling computer can potentially over write data that you are trying to retrieve - even if you never touch the keyboard? It is a real possibility.
Pull the cord from the wall without shutting down like I previously mentioned.
Doing so, means a file recovery tool has a better opportunity to work.
Last, if files are open close them.
If you are looking at this page from the computer you want to perform data recovery stop and cut the power source.
A couple more recovery tips Don't even think of using the recovery system CD in lieu of a file recovery tool.
Sure, it can get your system going again, but it will completely wipe out your data.
Unless you have a backup of your data on another computer your data will be gone for good.
And there is nothing that a file recovery tool can do to help.
One last important tip - never install or operate any file recovery tool on your computer either - not even on a separate partition.
You should always download, run and recover data to another storage device that is functioning.
If you fail to take this important step, your computer could potentially overwrite the files you need recovered.
That is why it is so important to download, run and recover your data onto a second hard drive.
Always protect your data, no matter what.
Getting that file recovery tool to work, or not! Determining what lead to your data loss is the most important part of choosing the right file recovery tool.
Are you dealing with an undelete situation, lost or corrupt files? Are your files damaged, or are you simply having trouble locating them? The answers to these questions will be your guide to finding the one that matches your problem.
If you just don't have a clue about your problem, contact a professional company that specializes in hard drive data recovery and promotes their own file recovery tools.
Beware that some technicians may tell you that using a file recovery tool is dangerous, but that isn't true.
They've been around for a long time and are only getting better.
So, if you hear otherwise from someone, they probably don't have a file recovery tool to offer to you.
Remember, you can always send your media to a professional service that specializes in data recovery after you try file recovery software.
The moment you think realize you have lost important data, you should immediately stop using your computer and call an expert in recovery for advice.
If they are the real thing they will have their own file recovery tool available for you try out.
And when several of them fall short you then know service is necessary.
If all this seems like more than you can handle, you may just choose to skip the file recovery tool and use a professional right away.

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