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How to Repair a Radiator on a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee

    • 1). Remove the radiator cap, using your hands. Remove the radiator grill mounting screws, using the appropriate socket, then remove the grill to access the petcock. Slide the drain pan under the petcock. Push the 2-foot hose onto the petcock, and put the other end into the drain pan. Loosen the petcock and drain the coolant. If the coolant is less than five years old and is clean, you can reuse it, otherwise discard it in an appropriate manner.

    • 2). Unbolt the power steering fluid reservoir from the fan shroud, using the appropriate sockets, and set it aside. Unplug the electric fan electrical connector, if your particular engine uses an electric fan in addition to a mechanical fan. Disconnect the overflow hose from the filler neck and the shroud retaining loops.

    • 3). Remove the four fan nuts from the water pump pulley, then pull the fan off the water pump pulley. Remove the four screws that hold the fan shroud onto the core support. Remove the electric fan and shroud as an assembly from the engine compartment.

    • 4). Unbolt and remove the radiator's upper crossmember. Unbolt and remove the mounting brackets that hold the air conditioning condenser to the radiator, using the appropriate wrench. Loosen the clamps on the upper and lower radiator hoses, using special tool No. 6094. Pull the hoses off the radiator.

    • 5). Remove the transmission cooler lines from the radiator, using the appropriate line wrench, or, if your particular engine uses quick-connect fittings, use special tool 6935 to remove the lines. If you ordered the vehicle with the upgraded transmission cooler, do not remove the transmission cooler lines -- just remove the bracket for the lines, which is located at the bottom of the radiator, using the appropriate wrench. Lift the radiator up and out of the engine compartment. If you are reinstalling the same radiator, take care to not damage the fins.

    • 6). Ensure that the rubber grommets in the radiator lower crossmember are in place -- they might stick to the old radiator. Lower the new radiator into the compartment, lining up the alignment dowels with the rubber grommets. Press the radiator into place.

    • 7). Reattach the condenser mounting brackets. Reinstall the upper crossmember and tighten the four mounting bolts firmly. Reinstall the upper crossmember-to-isolator bolts and tighten them to 86 inch-pounds of torque. Reinstall the isolator-to-radiator nuts and tighten them to 47 inch-pounds of torque.

    • 8). Reconnect the upper and lower radiator hoses and reinstall the tension clamps. Reinstall the transmission cooler lines or the transmission line bracket at the bottom of the radiator. Reinstall the mechanical fan and tighten the pulley bolts firmly. Reinstall the electric fan and shroud assembly, inserting the alignment tabs at the bottom of the shroud into the slots in the bracket at the bottom of the radiator. Tighten the shroud-mounting bolts to 31 inch-pounds of torque.

    • 9). Reconnect the electrical fan wiring harness connector. Reinstall the power steering reservoir. Remove the hose from the petcock, tighten the petcock, then reinstall the grill. Reattach the coolant reservoir hose. Fill the cooling system with coolant and reinstall the radiator cap.

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