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How to Remove Struts From 2000 Subaru

    Front Suspension

    • 1). Lift the entire car in the air using the jack and set it down on four jack stands, one on each corner. Take off all of the wheels using the tire iron and move them out of the immediate area.

    • 2). Unbolt the sway bar connection on the side of the strut using an open-end wrench. Unbolt the antilock brake system's sensor wire on the side of the strut using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.

    • 3). Unbolt the bolts holding the steering knuckle to the strut using a 3/8-inch ratchet and socket and an open-end wrench. Remove the bottom bolt but keep the top bolt in place on the strut.

    • 4). Pop the hood. Unbolt the upper strut mounts from the strut tower using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket. Lift up the bottom of the strut, pull out the upper bolt, then pull the strut assembly out of the car.

    Rear Suspension

    • 1). Unbolt the brake line from the rear strut using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket. Unbolt the strut from the rear suspension using an open-end wrench and the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket. Remove the bottom bolt, but leave the top one in the strut.

    • 2). Pop the trunk. Pull back the carpeting in the trunk with your hands to reveal the rear upper strut mounts. Unbolt the strut from the strut tower using the 3/8-inch ratchet and socket.

    • 3). Lift up the rear knuckle. Pull out the upper bolt, then pull the strut out of the rear suspension.

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