Yoga : Health & Medical

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Meditation For Beginners - Playing the Quiet Game

Meditation For Beginners - Playing the Quiet Game

Many of us struggle with negative inner dialogue or just a constant inner chatter. It is a consistent challenge that arises in meditation for beginners as well. While attempting to focus and relax, the mind will continue to chatter, question, complain, etc. The quiet game is a powerful way to reduce
How To Meditate Using Music

How To Meditate Using Music

The Lifesurfing Program at Inner Metamorphosis University (I M U) offers numerous ways and correct approaches to help you discover the right meditation technique and provide you inner peace of mind
Arrow Fletching Types

Arrow Fletching Types

The proper fletching keeps your arrow's flight stable.arrow and target image by T.Tulic from Fotolia.comThe three or four feathers or vanes glued to the nock (notched) end of an arrow are known as the fletching. Fletch, while often colorful or intricate, is not merely decorative; it is...
Can Meditation Help Me To Lose Weight

Can Meditation Help Me To Lose Weight

Typically when we take into consideration some weight losing action, we consider burning calories or sweating or melting off the fat. At the time you meditate you need to sit extremely still, without making a move. Can such a movement be accommodating in getting thinner or losing weight? Despite the
Yoga Prevents Sports-Related Injuries

Yoga Prevents Sports-Related Injuries

There is a number one reason for sport-related injuries and that is, abuse. Most injuries occur because the athlete is out to prove himself; they want to win so much that they focus on perfecting their moves not on their bodies.
More Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers

More Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers

When Yoga teachers gather in a workshop to hear a lecture about communication - what is the first topic that comes to mind?Is it cueing skills, voice inflection, or when to ask a student for permission to assist?Those are important issues for anyone who teaches Yoga, but let's take a look at ma
Kabbalistic Concepts: Meditation

Kabbalistic Concepts: Meditation

Meditation is not what you think it is. In fact, it easier, way more powerful, and holds the key to reaching your goals and changing your life.
How Yoga Benefits Children With Special Needs

How Yoga Benefits Children With Special Needs

Yoga and kids go together. Kids want to move, explore their world, and interact physically and mentally in order to understand themselves and their environment. Yoga provides a perfect opportunity to do so.
First Limb of Yoga - Ahimsa and Satyam

First Limb of Yoga - Ahimsa and Satyam

If you look at the root words in Sanskrit, Sat means "true or real," while Ya means "ness."Another way to look at Satyam is to be real.For some people, this is easy - but for some other people, their ego does not allow them to be real.
Yoga at Work - Five Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk

Yoga at Work - Five Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk

Many people feel tightness in their neck, back and shoulders while at work, especially those who have desk jobs that require them to sit still for long periods of time. Unfortunately, our bodies are just not built for extended sitting! If you are one of those people who would like to stretch out you
How to Do the Pincha Mayurasana Yoga Pose

How to Do the Pincha Mayurasana Yoga Pose

Pincha Mayurasana, otherwise known as the forearm stand, is one of the most intimidating inversion poses for the beginning yogini. Despite how challenging the pose looks, it can alleviate stress and strengthens the back body and the arms.
Twists "Wring Out" Your Organs and Other Yoga Anatomy Myths

Twists "Wring Out" Your Organs and Other Yoga Anatomy Myths

After you've practiced yoga for awhile, you'll probably noticed that there are certain claims about the benefits of particular poses that come up over and over. For instance, does your teacher tout the ability of twists to wring out the organs? Yoga anatomy expert Amy Matthews examines the
How to Become Yoga Certified

How to Become Yoga Certified

When you are a practitioner of yoga for a long time already, you might have considered taking up a training program and become yoga certified instructor. Even if you really don't have any plans yet of teaching yoga, attending training courses will surely help you to enhance your skills and mast
Pain And Spirit

Pain And Spirit

You can create our own future. The sum of our being is made up of x number of years of programming by our parents, our peers, our belief system. How was your childhood? Were you brought up in a negative environment or a positive one? If it was a negative environment your body language would indicate
Online Yoga Instructor Certification Program - How To Choose The Right One

Online Yoga Instructor Certification Program - How To Choose The Right One

With the rising popularity of yoga,getting a yoga instructor certification and becoming a yoga trainer is fast becoming an excellent profession choice.
How to Do the Yoga Scale Pose With Blocks

How to Do the Yoga Scale Pose With Blocks

This yoga pose, the scale, received its name because the yogi must balance his body above the ground to perform it. The yoga scale pose requires time and patient practice in order to gain the arm and upper body strength necessary; however, a few blocks can help you in your practice.
Energizing Yourself With a Chakra Meditation

Energizing Yourself With a Chakra Meditation

Inside our bodies, there are points of energy that we use which will allow us to fully experience and realize the world around us.These are usually points of light that are composed of colors of the rainbow.They are called Chakras.
How to Compare Different Types of Yoga

How to Compare Different Types of Yoga

Yoga is a popular way to get in shape and stay fit. The variety of yoga types makes it hard to know what's right for you, so choose your style based on your needs.
Ashrams Nepal - Spiritual Connects Via Yoga

Ashrams Nepal - Spiritual Connects Via Yoga

Yoga is one aspect of ashrams Nepal that you may find highly beneficial. It involves a spiritual connection with one's body through a series of positions, pauses, and meditations. Yoga is designed to improve the way people move and feel, and it does so by impacting various areas of the body mos
Yoga For the Overall Fitness and Health

Yoga For the Overall Fitness and Health

Yoga is probably not strange to your ear. It is an ancient practice which is still popular until today. It's getting more popular since Madonna told in public that she practiced it and that's why she got her awesome shape with no cellulite. Today, more and more people practice yoga because