I Can't Remember the Sun Salutation!
You don't need to worry about trying to remember it. The Sun salutation is simply a series of flowing poses, linked together by breath. It's also known as a Salute to the Sun or in Sanskrit (the original language of yoga) Surya Namaskar.
Register For Online Yoga Consultation Classes To Achieve Complete Holistic Health
Yoga has been practiced by thousands of people all around the world. It helps in achieving an overall holistic health. If you also want to avail the benefits of yoga and don’t know how to start then you should go for yoga consultation classes.
Beginner's Yoga
When you are actually starting out doing novices' Yoga, there will be several points you will certainly want to know right before you start.
Tips to Help You Meditate
Meditation is not an exact science there are many ways that you can meditate and there are many things that you can do when you want to meditate. However there are also things that can distract you from your meditation. Because of this, here are some tips to help you meditate.
Learn About Yoga Breathing - Avoid Two Inferior Techniques You May Be Using Now
These days we tend to pay a lot of attention to our body muscles.We want them toned and sculpted. But most of us don't realize that we're not using our breathing muscles correctly, and therefore, we aren't getting the maximum benefit from the air we breathe. Here are two inferior brea
Binaural Meditation - Experience Greatly Enhanced Meditation With Binaural Beats
The scientific definition for binaural beats is; "auditory brain stem responses that occur in each hemisphere of the brain as the result of two different sound impulses (one to each ear.)" In more simple laymen's terms it is when each of our ears hears a distinct frequency sound at th
Review - Tool Bag by Crescent Moon
A review of the Tool Bag, a stylish, contemporary yoga mat bag made by Crescent Moon.
Meditation - Everyone's Right to Relaxation
The word meditation carries with it a lot of pre-conceptions: it must be eastern, New Age, involve yoga postures, and be generally other-worldly. Yet, it is not really mysterious or complicated at all. But, rather the birthright of every individual to experience times of deep reflection and relaxati
5 Top Easy Increases Your Height Formulas
Yoga that too offer a cycle of meditation exercises, which include breathing techniques that will help exercise your lungs and calm your full body. Many believe that when you meditate and breathe deeply that it will charge your body with energy, helping you get more done without being as tired.
Promote Your Yoga Business With Some Amazing Strategies
As we all know yoga is becoming really famous as far as exercising goes. Yoga is something that both men and women love to practice due to the fact that it helps in staying fit. Promoting your yoga business with some outstanding strategies is something that you can easily do. There are plenty of ama
Meditating In Circles?Try Straight Line Meditation
Think of meditation as a mountain climb.Your goal is the summit.The fastest route to the goal is a straight line, but can you meditate without the wandering?You can with the feedback method.Learn how to here.
Teaching Yoga for Biking Enthusiasts
Yoga teacher training courses prepare you to help students develop balanced bodies. Biking is a great activity, but enthusiasts really need to practice Hatha Yoga. With growing interest in healthy living and eco-friendly lifestyles, biking has become one of the top two outdoor activities around the
How to Perform the Supta Padangustasana Pose in Full Spectrum Yoga
Here is a guide explaining how to perform the Supta Padangustasana pose in Full Spectrum Yoga. Yoga in its original form is actually a path to spiritual enlightenment and union with the Supreme Consciousness. This system of beliefs and practices is closely tied with the Hindu religion and is found a
Krounchasana (Heron)
In Sanskrit Krouncha means Heron. It also means mountain. In the Heron Pose or the Krounchasana one is seated with one leg bent back with the foot placed next to the hip joint. The foot of the other extended straight leg is grasped with both hands; one lifts the leg straight up moving the foot towar
Yoga BenefitsFor Martial Artists
Yoga itself is one of the best activities to keep body and mind fit. These days, yoga fitness programs have been proving beneficial for martial artists for several reasons.
Yoga Teacher Training - 6 Steps To Set Up A Profitable One To One Yoga Service
Outcome: Start giving one to one yoga sessions from your home Purpose: Make an extra 2,000 or more a year. Step 1: Go to Google and type in one to one yoga. Click on at least 3 websites.
Can Gratitude Be a Form of Meditation?
I attended a Yoga teacher intensive in Attleboro, Massachusetts on meditation in 2006. At that intensive, we were taught so many different forms of meditation over the course of a Columbus Day weekend that I filled a note book. One method that really stuck to my mind was a mantra meditation that is
7 Must Have Herbs For Yogis
If you are a yogi, here are some herbs that you shouldn't miss in your home: Schisandra (schisandra chinesis) Schisandra belongs to a group of herbs known as adaptogens. These are herbs that help the body to deal with stress. These herbs also aid in toning and strengthening the endocrine system
Karma Clearing Process of Energy Enhancement Meditation Including the Kundalini Kriyas + Alchemy
Start your Karma Cleaning Process by learning how to meditate and then speed it up with the advanced techniques of Energy Enhancement based upon ancient effective techniques of Taoism, The Kundalini Kriyas, The five elemental circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Guided Meditation
How To Teach Yoga Students With Confidence And Patience
Once you've finished your training to become a yoga instructor, you may be asking yourself "what do I do next?". You may have all the skills and knowledge, but you're about to teach a group of students for the first time. Here are several ways on...