The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, And Weight Loss - Part 1
From nutritional and fitness experts in New England, the first question I heard right away was, “How can Yoga burn that many calories?” Soon to be followed by comments from many fitness experts, across the United States, were remarks like, “Most Yoga students don’t practice v
Reduce Cholesterol Naturally
Reduce Cholesterol Naturally - More exercise, Increase soluble fiber intake, Eating less meat, Red yeast rice and Policosanol are some of the tips to reduce cholesterol naturally.
The Benefits of Becoming a Yogi
The benefits of yoga and how it will help you in your everyday lives. The reasons why you need yoga to eliminate toxins in your life.
Yoga Exercise Programming For Spas
Spotlighting Yoga along with combined sport-particular workshops - Show your guests exactly how a good stretching plan and yoga class can enhance their golf and tennis games; odds are they will be hooked. Design some creative clinics which tackle the various muscle groups employed in specific sports
A Simple Strategy To Start Meditating Right Now
Here is a simple strategy to begin meditating tomorrow morning. Meditation isn't some mystical journey whereas you are required to become a Zen or Buddhist master. Meditation is simply staying in one place quietly, eventually learning to be in the present moment until it becomes natural.
Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle With The Zumba Classes
There are different activities available through which you can loss your body weight. Doing the same activity can lower your enthusiasm and so you can choose the Zumba classes and try some new moves.
How to Do the Cow Face Pose With a Yoga Strap
The cow face pose is an intermediate to advanced yoga posture that requires extreme strength and flexibility in the arms and legs. While a yoga strap can help to make learning this pose a bit more comfortable for the arms, it is important that you can comfortably rest on your knees as well.
Symbolic Imagery As a Gateway to Astral Projection - A Must Read For Struggling Beginners
Symbol and number are some of the most influential images when it comes to conveying messages and communication. A symbol means more than one thing and a number can mean the amount and what that amount relates to. Both are an excellent tool for getting to the Astral Plane.
Yoga Nidra and the Insomnia Epidemic
Have you ever wondered how insomnia has become such a major issue? Auto accidents, due to lack of sleep, might grab the headlines; but according to the Center for Disease Control, the number of Americans suffering from sleep deprivation is becoming a public health epidemic. People, who are unable to
Hatha Gong Yoga at Spirit of Yoga
The powers of Hatha Gong are strong and true. Have you experienced the vibrations of the gong?
How to Do the Both Feet to Head Yoga Pose
The feet to head series in yoga, or the "dwi pada sirsasana" postures contain challenging poses. Before you attempt the both feet to head, or Dwi pada sirsasana A, make sure you have mastered the yoga womb embryo pose.
Yoga Teacher Training - Should You Go for Your 300-Hour Certification?
Taking a 200-hour level yoga teacher training course should prepare you to successfully guide strangers through a yoga practice. You may begin by teaching friends, starting your own class, or landing a job teaching at a yoga studio or gym. Once you begin teaching on a regular basis, you may find you
Yoga For Relaxation - 3 Easy Meditation Exercises to Help Working Mums Relax
Many people, especially working mums find it extremely difficult to carve time out for themselves and care for their emotional well being and physical health. Life is full and there is little time to think about, let alone make time, to rest and relax.
Bikram Yoga - What Is It And Who Started It?
Do you know what Bikram yoga is? Do you know who the founder of this type of yoga is? You will want to make sure that you learn all you can about this type of yoga before you attempt it. This yoga is a more physical yoga than some of the other types. Make sure that you know whether you can handle th
Basic Yoga - What Everyone Needs to Know Now
Yoga has some fundamental benefits and for those who are consistent in it's practice realize the value in yoga. Read on to learn more.
Are You Too Stressed? Try an Ancient Method to Relax and Revitalize!
In as few as five minutes you can reduce your stress with an ancient method of relaxation called qigong (pronounced chee gong). It has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Qigong can be easy to learn and highly effective for reducing stress and increasing energy. It is an ancient system o
Zen - Preparing For Meditation
Some people will find that meditation comes naturally to them and others will have some difficulty. Do not judge your performance. If you have trouble, consider your difficulties challenges, like bumps on a road, You do not stop traveling because the road gets a little rough.
Meditation Secrets Or Secret Meditation
Unfortunately most people think of only a single type of mantra meditation when we talk about meditation. In truth meditation is simply concentrating on a single object and that's the first of the many secrets of meditation.