Yoga Prevents Sports-Related Injuries
There is a number one reason for sport-related injuries and that is, abuse.
Most injuries occur because the athlete is out to prove himself; they want to win so much that they focus on perfecting their moves not on their bodies.
If you want to prevent injury of any kind, you have to become attentive of your body from the shape to its feel, the area of effective operation of the joints and its balanced proportions.
Sports can produce asymmetries because only one side is dominant.
The responsibility of the athlete lies in identifying these imbalances before injury happens.
Let us spot some very common injuries connected to sports and some yoga poses that would help remedy them.
Hamstring pulls result from very tense hamstrings.
This group of muscles has frustrated most players.
The tendon is very thick and strong that it takes time and persistent effort to make them loose but firm.
If you are bending forward, try bending your knees to save the back from harm.
When you are standing with your hands on the wall and you lean your body forward.
Try doing the plow pose.
The shoulder is another susceptible joint and it is much shallower than the hip joint.
Thus, it is very prone to being misaligned, dislocated, & impinged.
Warming up before playing is very essential.
The following exercises should be performed regularly to strengthen it: wall walks, face-down shoulder stretch, face-up shoulder stretch, eagle arms, wrist openers, Chaturanga and arm ups.
The hip joint is very similar to the shoulder but much deeper.
Hip pain is caused by intermittent running & stopping as in soccer, jarring movements as in tennis, and the pounding taken from running.
Loosen the hip and keep it free in every direction.
Before starting, lie back and relax totally.
Loosen your legs and spread them like an eagle.
Gradually raise your head, without moving the legs notice the angle of your toes.
If one or both feet point in a line perpendicular to the sky, it means that the hip with such foot is tight and needs a remedy.
Do the following poses: pigeon, frog, hero's pose; and then a standing forward bend.
The best means to steer clear of knee injury is to maintain the flexibility & strength of the hips.
You see, if your hip joints are rigid, then the extra energy will continue on to the weakest area which is the knee joint.
Perform the following: pigeon pose the same pose with a quadriceps stretch, a double pigeon pose, and a frog pose.
Most injuries occur because the athlete is out to prove himself; they want to win so much that they focus on perfecting their moves not on their bodies.
If you want to prevent injury of any kind, you have to become attentive of your body from the shape to its feel, the area of effective operation of the joints and its balanced proportions.
Sports can produce asymmetries because only one side is dominant.
The responsibility of the athlete lies in identifying these imbalances before injury happens.
Let us spot some very common injuries connected to sports and some yoga poses that would help remedy them.
Hamstring pulls result from very tense hamstrings.
This group of muscles has frustrated most players.
The tendon is very thick and strong that it takes time and persistent effort to make them loose but firm.
If you are bending forward, try bending your knees to save the back from harm.
When you are standing with your hands on the wall and you lean your body forward.
Try doing the plow pose.
The shoulder is another susceptible joint and it is much shallower than the hip joint.
Thus, it is very prone to being misaligned, dislocated, & impinged.
Warming up before playing is very essential.
The following exercises should be performed regularly to strengthen it: wall walks, face-down shoulder stretch, face-up shoulder stretch, eagle arms, wrist openers, Chaturanga and arm ups.
The hip joint is very similar to the shoulder but much deeper.
Hip pain is caused by intermittent running & stopping as in soccer, jarring movements as in tennis, and the pounding taken from running.
Loosen the hip and keep it free in every direction.
Before starting, lie back and relax totally.
Loosen your legs and spread them like an eagle.
Gradually raise your head, without moving the legs notice the angle of your toes.
If one or both feet point in a line perpendicular to the sky, it means that the hip with such foot is tight and needs a remedy.
Do the following poses: pigeon, frog, hero's pose; and then a standing forward bend.
The best means to steer clear of knee injury is to maintain the flexibility & strength of the hips.
You see, if your hip joints are rigid, then the extra energy will continue on to the weakest area which is the knee joint.
Perform the following: pigeon pose the same pose with a quadriceps stretch, a double pigeon pose, and a frog pose.