Health & Medical Yoga

Pain And Spirit

You can create our own future.
The sum of our being is made up of x number of years of programming by our parents, our peers, our belief system.
How was your childhood? Were you brought up in a negative environment or a positive one? If it was a negative environment your body language would indicate a closing down.
Your shoulders would be hunched and rounded and your head hung low.
Your spine will gradually curve forward giving you more 'dis-ease'.
A child without love will die, as will your body.
Love yourself enough to care for your body, your body talks to you always all we need to do is to pay attention to what it's saying.
Let's dig a little deeper.
We are all on this earth plane to learn lessons and grow.
Remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience rather than human beings having a spiritual experience.
Once you have got your head around that you will have a different understanding.
We incarnated this body to learn at earth school lessons that we agreed to.
Still with me? Good.
Now let's dig deeper.
So with this view point we agreed to come back to the earth plane to grow to the next level taking the view as spiritualists do.
If we came back to earth and agreed that we will take on pain, laughter all the ills that we have as 'human beings', and also to show others lessons, then does this mean that all that we do has been preordained? Remember we still have an open mind here and making no judgment at this time.
It is understood that as spirits (or spiritual beings which we are) we agreed to come back and experience life as a human being until our task is done.
Then we die and are reborn if we chose to.
It may be that we agreed to come back with back pain or whatever to show those around us lessons that are to be learned to take us to the next level.
Ok, I here someone say "Well if our body completely regenerates within two years and we stay 'positive' saying and doing all the 'right things' then why is it that we die? It is my understanding that we have served our purpose our task has been completed, and that is to grow on all levels and also help others to do the same so they can grow by all the experiences that life gives them - positive and negative.

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