The Health Benefits Of Yoga
Simply put, the health benefits of Yoga are attained through the combination of exercise and meditation. Or rather, exercising in a meditative state. Learn some of the health benefits of Yoga in this article by Michael Hawkins.
Proper Yoga Attire
Yoga is an exercise that promotes peacefulness and relaxation of mind and body. For optimum results with yoga, it pays to invest in clothing to help you achieve this goal. Proper attire is essential for execution of movements and range of motion. You should also feel at ease when performing stretche
De-Stress For Better Memory
Today's education system is highly stressful. And under stress, not only does the brain not function well, but children should be made to relax and improve their memory so that they do well. A relaxed brain leads to deeper insight. It is a well-known fact that Newton and Archimedes made their f
Meditation A Way To Spirituality
Spirituality, developing relationship god can be attained with meditation. When god bestows you with power,you can achieve the positive power and peace of mind. For more information read further.
Stress Busting - Energy Building, All Around Feel Good Mini Yoga Workout
Everyone can use a break from stress. This is a mini yoga routine that you can do comfortably seated in your chair. It only takes a couple of minutes and it will help wake you up and release stress and tension from your body and your mind. Incorporating a short yoga break into your day can make such
Mudra Yoga: Balancing the 5 Elements of Creation
So what exactly is mudra yoga you may ask? Simply put, it is a gesture or position of the hand used to communicate an idea or expression. Not so simply put, it is a scientifically-tested method to awakening the higher self and balancing your existence here on earth. Still not clear? How does one go
Camel Pose - Ustrasana
Camel Pose - Ustrasana
Yoga for Weight Loss? How You Can Supercharge Your Diet With Easy Yoga Stretches!
Do you believe in yoga for weight loss? There are different types of yoga, so plan to answer ambiguously.
Your Own Meditation Pillow - Achieve The Desired Physical Peace While You Are Meditating
A meditation pillow has emerged as an essential tool for successful sessions of meditation. Some people have the misconception that it is a pure waste of money, which is not true. Using a pillow while you are meditating may sound strange, but there are reasons why you need it.
Healing Music Used With Meditation - What Do You Believe?
In 1992 I was involved in an off road motor vehicle accident which left me with some lasting injuries. After the accident, during the recovery period some friends introduced my wife and myself to healing music. Meditation with healing music helps the brain undergo changes during deep meditation. Mus
How Hot Yoga Is Leading And Changing The Yoga Industry
Today, Hot Yoga has changed the lives of hundreds of people across the world. With Bikram Yoga studios across the world, to Core Power Yoga studios, which offer primarily Hot Yoga classes, to Intentional Yoga that offer a Hot Yoga practice called “Bikyasa”. Bikyasa is grounded on the sci
How to Do the Warrior Pose in Yoga
Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior pose, in yoga is an excellent leg strengthening exercise. It also stretches your chest, shoulders, iliopsoas (groin muscle) and calves. The longer you can hold the pose and the further you can bend into it, the stronger you will become and the more you will improve your
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
When you teach Yoga techniques for a healthy mind, body, and spirit; are you trying to help your students reach a normal state?If that is your goal, you may just frustrate yourself and confuse your Yoga students in the process.
Pelvic Tilts - A Simple Little Exercise That Will Save Your Back
This little animation shows you the movement you are going for when learning the pelvic tilt.
Using Meditation for a Healthier Lifestyle
If you are interested in living a healthier and calmer life, you might want to know more about how meditation can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Living longer and feeling better are things we all want. Read on to learn how to use mediation to be healthier.
Yoga Poses You Can Do In Your Office
Many working people tend to complain that they don't have time to practice yoga. The good side is that there are a number of poses that you can engage in while in the office. Here are some of the poses.
The Antahkarana, Bridge, Tower of Babel or Babble, Chakras, Meditation, Gurdjieff, Shakespeare, Guru
The lack of communication between the chakras, or the people building the Tower of Babel, symbolises their lack of integration. Because we are not integrated our psychic bodies will not reach up to heaven. We never managed to contact our Higher Selves. We are not Enlightened.
Yoga Is The Best Meditation Exercise
Yoga has become quite famous all over the world over the years. It serves as a great and reliable source of enlightenment. Relaxation and balance between mental and spiritual aspects of one's life makes yoga the best mutation practice and done by people of all ages around the world. Realizing i
Daily Meditation
Meditation is more than just a way to feel better in the moment.It is a transformational pathway to your best self.Transformation is not a passive activity.Even a caterpillar may appear on the outside to be resting in its cocoon, but, in fact, there are many changes beneath the surface to become a b
Learn How to Meditate the Easy Way in Less Than 2 Minutes
Do you want to learn how to meditate but don't know where to start?When you think of "meditation" do you think of a guy or girl with their thumb and index finger touching to make a circle, sitting crosslegged on the ground, saying "oooohhhhhmmmm"?If so you'll be thrille