Relaxation Breathing - How it Affects the Chemistry of Your Brain
Meditation is a method of achieving self-change. One of the most effective natural ways to open your mind for meditation is through the regulation of your breathing.
A Comprehensive Higher Balance Institute Review
I have been using this meditation program for three years now and I can tell you that I have had many wonderful experiences that can only be described as life altering. I have always just been a regular guy raising a family and trying to deal with the stresses of everyday life. What I found was much
Yoga Clothing And Green Credentials
Yoga has long been practiced as a type of discipline and spiritual awareness, it is gaining even more popularity in the west with people's increased interest in spirituality and ancient arts.
The Yoga Equipment Required To Practice Your Yoga Moves!
Yoga originates, and is practiced extensively in countries where the people cannot afford to spend money on specific exercise equipment. Fortunately basic equipment such as Yoga mats that will provide some form of cushioning and slip resistance on the floor, and bolsters, that will help to get your
Exploring Yoga for Children
Children have the amazing ability to truly live in the moment, but sometimes there's a downside, when their abundant energy turns to restlessness and a lack of self-control. Yoga can be helpful for children at early ages to inculcate in them the spirit of living life purposefully and help them
Yoga For the 50 Plus Crowd
If your are in your fifties and older, are tired of feeling stiff, inflexible and weak, give yoga a try. Look for a gentle, beginner's class. You have nothing to lose but your stiff, painful and limited functioning body.
The Top 10 Yoga Workouts for Beginners
Our top ten yoga sequences for beginners can either stand alone or be combined for a longer workout. Includes poses for strength, flexibility, and relaxation.
Advantages of Flow Yoga
The term "flow Yoga" is an abbreviated form of the phrase "Vinyasa Flow Yoga." This form of Yoga is based on movements synchronized with breath. The word 'flow' refers to the way the poses are strung together gracefully, and how the Yoga practitioner moves with each bre
Eft Tapping - Embrace The Crap
EFT Tapping can be used in the middle of crap going on in your life.Crying, shouting, panicking...EFT packs it's most powerful punch when emotions are running their highest.Don't try to avoid it - embrace it!
Benefits Of Yoga For Meditation
Yoga for meditation has a score of benefits. From increasing to concentration to building stamina, yoga helps a person in many ways. The article describes some of the prime benefits of meditation.
The Practice of Yoga and Self-Compassion
The practice of nonviolence, including self-compassion, is one of the primary tenets of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Within the Yoga Sutras are a set of 196 sutras or aphorisms that detail the unfolding process of the practice of yoga and meditation. Ahimsa or nonviolence is one of the core injunct
How to Increase Your Height at 27
If you are 27 years of age, there is little chance your bone and structural frame will grow anymore. According to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers University, both men and women start to lose bone mass beyond the age of 25. However, if you are in your late 20s and are not sa
Where to Participate in the International Day of Yoga, June 21
June 21 has been designated The International Day of Yoga by the United Nations. Here are some of the top worldwide events.
Revitalize Your Reproductive System With Yoga
Most women decide to have a baby only after they’ve established with their careers, and that’s usually when you’re well into the third decade of your life.
Meditation - How We Enjoy the Benefits
Meditation has always been integral part of religious practice over the centuries. It is still is retained in most popular religions and cultures east and west but now is beginning to increase in the modern western world as a means of both countering stress and mental depression and to revive spirit
Can Yogic Breathing Meditation Develop Your Psychic Abilities?
Psychic abilities are within everyone's reach. People use it every day and don't realize it. Faith, belief in the unknown and focus encourage their thoughts to become realities. Have you ever suddenly thought of a friend only to have them call within minutes? That's telecommunication.
Yoga - A Guide for Beginners
In the fast paced world today where everyone is continuously stressed, we need a little peace of mind. Yoga is an effective way to block yourself from all the stress and noise of the daily grind of life. There is quietude and inner peace, along with a balanced, healthy mind and body.
Meditation - Meditation for Improving Concentration
I was reading an article in an American Medical Journal a few days ago that talked about how keeping your mind active and improving your concentration will help you as you get older.The focus of the study was looking at how people aged 70 plus could ensure their minds stay active by improving their
What Is a Yoga Swing?
Everybody is familiar with yoga; there's Hatha, Vinyasa, Power Yoga and Bikram Yoga among many other variations. A new form of yoga has arrived in the form of the yoga sling. This is a strap system that eliminates the tense muscular positions inherent in traditional yoga practice.