Yoga : Health & Medical

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Physical and Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Physical and Emotional Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of regular meditation are life altering. Some people practice once a week, some once a day, but the ones that get the greatest results are the ones that stay in a constant state of meditation. They archive this by always staying in the here and now, living moment by moment. In doing so
Teaching Yoga to Protect the Knees

Teaching Yoga to Protect the Knees

Just like anything in life, the truth about Yoga, and knees, is both simple and complex. It is simply true that some Yoga asanas (postures) place strain on the knees, and that incorrect form can lead to knee pain or injury. It is also true that good therapeutic Yoga sessions can effectively end year
Can Power Yoga Be Practiced As Therapy?

Can Power Yoga Be Practiced As Therapy?

Due to the fact that power yoga is a physical challenge, the answer to whether it can be used as therapy depends on the problem as well as the approach of the instructor or therapist. Many therapists prefer to work through poses at a slower pace to allow for more concentrated effort on each pose, bu
Hot Yoga Fan

Hot Yoga Fan

Have you ever tried Bikram (hot) Yoga? I hadn't even heard of it until about 2 years ago when I stumbled across the name whilst searching for something to alleviate my knee pain. It sounded like fun so I did a bit of research and found a studio nearby. Along I went and wow! What an intense form
History Of Yoga

History Of Yoga

Yoga began in India 3,000 to 4,000 years ago or we can say that Yoga is the ancient science which has been used by Yogis. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means, to join or integrate, or simply union. This union is considered as a union with God. Yoga started, as far as we know, as
Choosing the Best Type of Yoga for You

Choosing the Best Type of Yoga for You

Yoga does offer various types of health benefits from muscles toning to spiritual enlightenment. There are different forms of yoga and each kind will focus more on one element or another although every type of yoga is still based on the basic principal of improving the wellbeing through physical, em
12 Tips for a Daily Home Yoga Practice That Help Reduce Stress

12 Tips for a Daily Home Yoga Practice That Help Reduce Stress

Yoga is personal. Enhance your daily yoga practice by following a few of the simple tips for setting up a home yoga practice.
An Explanation of Integral Yoga

An Explanation of Integral Yoga

You may have heard of different styles of Yoga, and most likely been confused about what the differences are. For now, just understand that there really are differences between the different styles of Yoga, and to determine which one is right for you, you will need to explore the various styles to f
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Could a Physical Assist Be a Sexual Assault?

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Could a Physical Assist Be a Sexual Assault?

Recently, an Aspen, Colorado Yoga teacher was arrested in relation to one felony account for alleged sexual assaults during 2008, in his Yoga classes. He may face ten years in prison, if he is convicted. Worse yet, past allegations from 2007, 2006, and 2005, have surfaced.
Meditation - The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation

Meditation - The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation

Summary: What is Yoga meditation and how it differs from the classic modern view of Yoga? And an understanding of the different channels of Himalayan form of Yoga meditation
Yoga Shakti For Today's Yoga Practitioners

Yoga Shakti For Today's Yoga Practitioners

Vinyasa Flow Yoga, a technique popularly taught by world-famous yoga teacher Shiva Rea, is not the only thing that Shiva Rea is concerned about. This is because Shiva Rea has also revolutionized the video of this particular yoga exercise guide, Yoga Shakti. In fact, today, Yoga Shakti is regarded as
Meditating in the Forest (Part 4 of 6)

Meditating in the Forest (Part 4 of 6)

I found myself coming closer to the truth I so desperately sought, but could clearly see how my mind tenaciously continued to resist, making every previous fight I have ever been in seem like child's play.I struggled to deepen my meditation.
8 Major Misunderstandings About Meditation

8 Major Misunderstandings About Meditation

Meditation is growing increasingly in popularity for reason raging from stress relief to the pursuit of enlightenment. Non the less there are still many misunderstandings about what meditation is and how it is done. Here the eight most common misunderstandings are clarified.
Designing A Plan To Become A Yoga Teacher (part 2)

Designing A Plan To Become A Yoga Teacher (part 2)

While you are at it, make sure that you are calling a Yoga teacher training center and not a "diploma house." If they certify everything from pet sitting to web design, what do you think they really know about teaching Yoga?
The Labyrinth - A Meditation For Those Who Can't Sit Still

The Labyrinth - A Meditation For Those Who Can't Sit Still

Until quite recently I assumed a labyrinth was a maze full of dead ends and paths meant to confuse you. In fact, the labyrinth has one way in, and one way out. It's a metaphor for our journey to self and back out again into the world and has been used as a meditation tool for centuries.
Yoga For Kids - Teach Them Young!

Yoga For Kids - Teach Them Young!

Yoga is one of the most beneficial exercises available for both young and old. Teaching your children yoga from a young age will let them enjoy its many benefits throughout their lives.
Use Visualization For Physical Exercise

Use Visualization For Physical Exercise

Self-discipline and a lot of effort are frequently quoted as being qualities you should have for long-lasting fitness. The fact is that the staying power of a high number of people when it's about reaching their fitness goals is poor although they know what is required to achieve this. If this
The Roads to Self-Improvement

The Roads to Self-Improvement

The majority of thinking people have a desire to improve themselves, but are often thwarted by an insecurity as to what direction to take. There seem just so many offerings in the market-place, and some come with a rather hefty price tag. This article gives a simple aspect to the problem that is wel
The 7 Best Yoga Poses for Real Life

The 7 Best Yoga Poses for Real Life

Poses you can use on a daily bases, like when you need to use a public toilet (utkatasana).
How To Balance Your Root Chakra

How To Balance Your Root Chakra

Importance of a healthy and balanced root chakra. Physical and mental problems resulting from an unbalanced and unhealthy root chakra. How to balance your root chakra.