Health & Medical Yoga

Mudra Yoga: Balancing the 5 Elements of Creation

So what exactly is mudra yoga you may ask? Simply put, it is a gesture or position of the hand used to communicate an idea or expression.
Not so simply put, it is a scientifically-tested method to awakening the higher self and balancing your existence here on earth.
Still not clear? How does one go about joining physical and spiritual understanding? It is possible through understanding the elements that create all life.
These elements are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether.
Let's take a little deeper look.
Ether or space was present in the beginning.
It was void and empty.
Through the will of manifestation, wind or air began to move inside this void.
As the winds picked up, they began to cause friction.
Friction produced heat and fire was created.
The fires mixed and were cooled by the winds, and the condensation formed water.
This water was heated and cooled by the fires and winds, until a residue resulted and earth was formed.
This is the story of the creation of the elements, as Ayureda would tell it.
Humans are made from the same material as the earth.
Wind moves within the space that is the body.
These moving winds constitute Vata, and they move blood, urine, thoughts, and more.
Fire, or Pitta, is the catalytic force burning food for digestion, generating the fire of our vision, and warming the body to fight disease.
Earth and water, known as Kapha, constitute the fluids and tissues of our bodies.
Skin, organs, nerves, and tendons are Kapha, as are mucous and bile.
If an imbalance occurs amongst these elements, mudra yoga can bring them back in line.
Each finger correlates to one of the five elements, and the right combination of joining fingers can bring about dramatic changes.
Lets take a look at a few popular mudras and see what they do.
Chinmudra is possibly the most recognizable mudra.
Place the tip of the index finger to the tip of the thumb, and keep the other fingers straight.
This helps alleviate insomnia, a restless mind, agitation and other mental conditions associated with Vata imbalance.
Prana mudra is restores tired eyes and reduces general tiredness.
It helps to fight most diseases.
Place the tip of the thumb to the tips of the ring and small finger, keeping the two middle fingers straight.
Apan Vayu Mudra is accomplished by holding the index finger to your palm.
Touch the middle and ring fingertips to the tip of the thumb.
The small finger is held straight up.
This mudra helps with menstrual cramps and vomiting, as apana vayu is the outward moving, or expelling wind.
Rudra Mudra reduces Pitta.
It helps raise low blood-pressure and clear blocked veins.
It improves circulation, eyesight, concentration and breathing.
Hold the tip of the thumb and third finger together, leaving the remaining fingers erect.
Shanka Mudra helps with Kapha imbalances.
Wrap the fingers of the right hand around the left thumb.
Now touch the right thumb to the tip of the left index finger.
These are a few of the hundreds of mudras known to help balance the body.
Mudras are not only known to help physical problems.
There are many mudras used to create psychic abilities and deepen spiritual practices.
Books and websites dedicated to mudras are available in great numbers.
Don't hesitate to venture farther into the world of mudra yoga.

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