Insight Meditation - Use it to Achieve Alpha Brainwaves and Control Your Life
Using insight meditation is one of the best ways to get your body to learn how to relax and deal with your life's everyday hassles and stresses. Dealing with the hassles of everyday life is something we all need to do and dealing with those stresses sometimes gets to be a little too much to han
10 Evening Yoga Poses to Help You Wind Down
Do triangle pose in the evening to stretch out your legs.
Saturday Morning Musings -A Very Good Read (even if I do say so myself!)
Go to the source for the truth - listen to yourself - but first, put yourself in the best advantage.
Meditation Home Study - How To Become A Meditation Instructor
If you practice various meditation techniques a lot and are now looking forward to becoming an instructor, this is the time you must go for the meditation home study courses. After all, you may not have enough time left for you to go for a regular training with a professional instructor for weeks an
Use Simple Yoga to Improve Your Health
Yoga is extremely beneficial to your overall well-being. But! Keep in mind that you must Avoid the Wrong Path. Learn how to get started safely and easily. Get some background knowledge here. Discover how to use Simple Yoga techniques for your health benefits. I will show you what you need to know so
Low Carb Diets Not So Sweet After All
There are two crucial problems with low-carb diets, and they both concern the artificial sweeteners so prevalent in the low carb diet world. Both the sugar alcohols and sucralose (Splenda) are threate
Kids Yoga Sequence - Holy Cat, Cow, Dog!
Yoga for kids brings out the animal in you. So time to get out your yoga mat and have fun with an easy kids yoga sequence called holy cat, cow, dog!
Join Classes On Yoga Of Laughter: Live A Stress-free & Healthy Life
Laughter yoga also known as laughter therapy is a series of yogic exercises that are practiced to induce laughter.
Keeping A Pure Diet To Remove Gallstones
Did you know that you can naturally treat and stop gallstones by means of a gallstone food regimen? Actually, you possibly can actually use your food regimen like a holistic treatment to assist clear out your physique of gallstones.
How Can Yoga Help In Dealing With Stress?
Along with a state of mental discomfort, there is also an almost tangible feeling of anxiety and restlessness associated with the term stress. There are numerous ways to beat stress, but Yoga is one of the best proven techniques to combat and prevent chronic stress.
Teaching Hatha Yoga - How to Teach Students About Non-Judgment
Recently, I received an enlightening phone call from a website visitor who had a few suggestions about changing my appearance.It seems we cannot all live up to our own expectations, or those expectations that are imposed upon us.The following is part of a conversation about Yoga, Santosha, and judgi
Cultural Beliefs and Invention!
In the past, I have frequently discussed the topics of perception and cultural beliefs, from a perspective of how cultural beliefs affect and alter your perception of reality. Our entire culture, any culture for that matter, must be built on an invented set of agreements, rules of conduct by which e
Know The Sleeping Position With Yoga.
They used forms of Yoga to unite the body and the mind. They said that being aware of your body and your mind will help you survive with the daily stresses of life. Often people will not be aware of their bodies at all and hover around day to day without being in tune with their body.
Real Men and Yoga
When Madison Avenue uses a picture of someone (a woman), the posture is always a ballet like super flexible out of reach for most mortals yoga posture. It is easy to understand a man's reluctance, or anyone's reluctance, to sign up for a class. But if you look behind all the salesmanship,
Nurses and Back Pain Part 4
In order to increase energy and to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit, a dose of yoga incorporated into a nurse's daily routine can be the answer.In addition, he points out that yoga is especially beneficial for maintaining good posture, which lessens the tendency to tire, and for maximizing the
How to Use Self Meditation As a Personal Help Method
Self meditation, or guided meditation can help you feel better over all as well as helping you solve particular mental issues that you may need to overcome in your life. Learning this is not a simple process, but will offer long term benefits for your quality of life, both physically and mentally. M
Easy Meditation - Possible For You, Possible Now
When you say meditation to most people, they will roll their eyes and start to think of new age methods and practices. It is all too easy to have an opinion on something that you have little or no idea about and these stereotypes can color your judgment.
Tapas - The Third Niyama
Whether you believe in penance, prayer, meditation, or practicing 108 Sun Salutations per day, it does not matter.The importance of Tapas in everyday life is extraordinary.Consider the following example of Tapas in 21st century life.