Kids Yoga Sequence - Holy Cat, Cow, Dog!
Yoga for kids brings out the animal in you.
So time to get out your yoga mat and have fun with kids yoga postures at kids yoga online.
What animal can you become today? How about a cow, cat, or dog? There's no limit to your imagination when you play with hatha yoga for kids.
And you don't have to choose jut one animal.
You can become three animals with one fun kids yoga sequence.
Easy yoga sequence for kids Holy cat, cow, dog! Follow these six step-by-step instructions to play in the cat-cow-dog yoga sequence:
Soften your elbows and knees in downward facing dog or use a yoga block to modify any hatha yoga pose.
Or, you can roll up your kids yoga mat for added padding underneath your knees or wrists in cat yoga posture and cow yoga pose.
The key is to be safe and have fun! How to play with easy animal yoga poses You can bring your own imagination to kids yoga flows like the cat-cow-dog yoga sequence.
So time to get out your yoga mat and have fun with kids yoga postures at kids yoga online.
What animal can you become today? How about a cow, cat, or dog? There's no limit to your imagination when you play with hatha yoga for kids.
And you don't have to choose jut one animal.
You can become three animals with one fun kids yoga sequence.
Easy yoga sequence for kids Holy cat, cow, dog! Follow these six step-by-step instructions to play in the cat-cow-dog yoga sequence:
- Come forward on to all fours on your yoga mat.
Place your palms flat on the mat with your fingers spread like two starfish.
Tuck the back of your toes. - Remember to protect your joints: your palms should be directly underneath your shoulders and your knees directly underneath your hips.
- INHALE with a flat spine.
EXHALE with a meow as you round your spine into cat posture.
Tilt your tailbone down to the mat.
Drop your chin to your chest.
Press down through your palms. - INHALE as you lift your tailbone,drop your pelvis, and stretch your chest open into cow posture.
Look up to the ceiling and EXHALE with one long mooooo. - INHALE and press your hips back towards your heels.
Stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms on the mat.
- EXHALE and lift your tailbone to the ceiling, send your heels to the floor, and let your chest hang between your arms in downward facing dog posture.
Hang out there for a few breaths.
Bark! Bark! Ruff! Ruff!
Soften your elbows and knees in downward facing dog or use a yoga block to modify any hatha yoga pose.
Or, you can roll up your kids yoga mat for added padding underneath your knees or wrists in cat yoga posture and cow yoga pose.
The key is to be safe and have fun! How to play with easy animal yoga poses You can bring your own imagination to kids yoga flows like the cat-cow-dog yoga sequence.
- Wriggle your spine side-to-side in cat posture and hiss.
- Look over your shoulders in cow posture and moo twice.
- Wave your spine forward and back in downward dog and then leap to the front of your mat with a bark.