Join Classes On Yoga Of Laughter: Live A Stress-free & Healthy Life
Do you feel stressed and worn-out? Do you often get irritated or lose your temper on trivial issues? Or, are you suffering from anxiety or other mental heath issues? If you wish to overcome these problems and live a happy and care-free life, join yoga laughter classes. Laughter classes have the wonderful effect of showing you how to laugh out all your stresses and strains, worries and problems.
For the uninitiated, yoga of laughter or laughter yoga is a special branch of yoga that combines yoga exercises with laughter therapy. It consists of various exercises that induce laughter and helps in releasing hormones or chemicals that lower stress and makes one feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Yoga of laughter helps individuals live a stress-free life and a body free of diseases.
There is a lot more about the Yoga of laughter. Laughter yoga helps in lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, reducing body weight, improving breathing, and enhancing the over all immune system of the body.
In order to help interested people benefit from yoga of laughter, several trained professionals organize yoga laughter classes. The laughter classes teach laughter yoga techniques or exercises to induce physical and spiritual laughter. People are taught how to smile and then gradually laugh loudly and whole-heartedly. Yoga laughter classes make one feel excited and happy from inside. This exceeds the gratification from materialistic achievements and is long-lasting.
As well as laughter exercises, yoga of laughter classes often present scientific research through written material and audio & video presentations to help the participants learn the art of laughing from within. Once you have learnt yoga laughter techniques, you can practise them at your home or work place to enjoy a peaceful and balanced life. Yoga of laughter creates a sense of harmony between inner and outer world. Not only do you feel de-stressed, but you gain a new perspective on life.
If you are living in New York and wish to join such a yoga of laughter class, visit the mid-town free of charge wellness center run by Vishwa Prakash. He is an expert in the field of yoga of laughter.Vishwa Prakash has been personally coached by Dr. Kataria, the founder of laughter yoga or laughter therapy.
The laughter classes at the YOGALAFF wellness center are carefully planned to reach out to participants through the yoga of laughter. These yoga laughter classes are fun and heart-warming. All visitors feel animated and energized, and learn about the scientific health benefits of yoga of laughter and how one can live a better and more joyful quality of life. These laughter classes in New York can be arranged for workplace or corporate locations as well.
To know more about yoga of laughter, laughter yoga classes New York, or more, visit
For the uninitiated, yoga of laughter or laughter yoga is a special branch of yoga that combines yoga exercises with laughter therapy. It consists of various exercises that induce laughter and helps in releasing hormones or chemicals that lower stress and makes one feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Yoga of laughter helps individuals live a stress-free life and a body free of diseases.
There is a lot more about the Yoga of laughter. Laughter yoga helps in lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, reducing body weight, improving breathing, and enhancing the over all immune system of the body.
In order to help interested people benefit from yoga of laughter, several trained professionals organize yoga laughter classes. The laughter classes teach laughter yoga techniques or exercises to induce physical and spiritual laughter. People are taught how to smile and then gradually laugh loudly and whole-heartedly. Yoga laughter classes make one feel excited and happy from inside. This exceeds the gratification from materialistic achievements and is long-lasting.
As well as laughter exercises, yoga of laughter classes often present scientific research through written material and audio & video presentations to help the participants learn the art of laughing from within. Once you have learnt yoga laughter techniques, you can practise them at your home or work place to enjoy a peaceful and balanced life. Yoga of laughter creates a sense of harmony between inner and outer world. Not only do you feel de-stressed, but you gain a new perspective on life.
If you are living in New York and wish to join such a yoga of laughter class, visit the mid-town free of charge wellness center run by Vishwa Prakash. He is an expert in the field of yoga of laughter.Vishwa Prakash has been personally coached by Dr. Kataria, the founder of laughter yoga or laughter therapy.
The laughter classes at the YOGALAFF wellness center are carefully planned to reach out to participants through the yoga of laughter. These yoga laughter classes are fun and heart-warming. All visitors feel animated and energized, and learn about the scientific health benefits of yoga of laughter and how one can live a better and more joyful quality of life. These laughter classes in New York can be arranged for workplace or corporate locations as well.
To know more about yoga of laughter, laughter yoga classes New York, or more, visit