Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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How to Double Your Brain Power - Tips and Advice

How to Double Your Brain Power - Tips and Advice

If you are looking to double your brain power then you need to know that a combination of mental exercise, a healthy diet and a general healthy lifestyle are extremely important in achieving this goal. First of all, let's start with how the brain is divided between the left and right cortex. St
Coaching: How Can It Help You?

Coaching: How Can It Help You?

Have you ever found yourself in the uneasy position of wanting to reach a specific goal but don't know what steps to take to achieve it? Coaching is the service that enables someone who finds herself in either situation to identify her needs, formulate them as concrete objectives and then devel


"Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery." -Joanne Kathleen Rowling The first step in letting go of a relationship is accepting the fact that it's over. At ...
The Religion of Love - "Is Faith Enough?"

The Religion of Love - "Is Faith Enough?"

In The Religion of Love we are taught that, "Greater than faith is truth! For it is not the same to believe in Love as it is to be in Love. Nor is it enough to believe in God and the Spiritual World, but that we long to be there, and once again with God."
Financial Abundance From the Inside Out

Financial Abundance From the Inside Out

The Law of Attraction teaches that, in order to manifest a desire, you must first achieve the vibration of that desire. So, if you have a desire to create more financial abundance, you must first achieve the vibration / feeling of financial abundance. With money, as with everything else, your inner
How to Gain Confidence - 3 Steps to Eliminating Limiting Beliefs

How to Gain Confidence - 3 Steps to Eliminating Limiting Beliefs

Eliminating limiting beliefs is a crucial part of learning how to gain confidence. There is a simple process that you can learn to eliminate unwanted beliefs.
The Redemptive Story of An Army Without Honor

The Redemptive Story of An Army Without Honor

The attacks upon us were vigorous, as our enemies showed no mercy in their flogging and torturing. They came from every corner, more numerous than ever imaginable. I saw our numbers diminish, and our line appeared more scattered as every precious second passed. Our enemies were smarter with astutene
Life Coach - How to Choose the Best Life Coach

Life Coach - How to Choose the Best Life Coach

As more and more people are seeking the help of life coaches, it's safe to say that life coaching is now one of the most in-demand and profitable professions today. As the demand grows, so does the supply. Today, there are more than one million people practicing in this field from all points of
Coaching - Revealed - 3 Reliable Methods to Jumpstart Your Coaching

Coaching - Revealed - 3 Reliable Methods to Jumpstart Your Coaching

When you were a child, you needed to be coached in many life skill areas.Your parents routinely coached you when you were very young.You see we've all been coached.People need coaches and that's why you can excel in your coaching business when you know how to coach...
Personal Advancement Plan: Why It Helps You Honor Your Time And Relieve Tension

Personal Advancement Plan: Why It Helps You Honor Your Time And Relieve Tension

A sure means to fail in life is to think that you understand everything and attempt to run before you could walk, but the great news is there is an almost limitless stream of assistance ...
How Do I Know If I Am An Alcoholic?

How Do I Know If I Am An Alcoholic?

It is often said that alcoholism is a self-diagnosed disease. Here are some questions to help you decide.
Making Meetings Work - Being SMART About It

Making Meetings Work - Being SMART About It

I have sat in many meetings where the inputs are haphazard and the meeting actions are unclear and vague. This means wasted time and often misunderstandings when by the application of a simple process the whole event could be well defined and functional.
People Are Just Not Miserable Enough

People Are Just Not Miserable Enough

The meditative person is not an escapist; he is creative. That is the criterion of real meditation: if it helps you to be creative only then is it true meditation; otherwise you are carrying something pseudo in the name of meditation.
Do You Want To Be Remembered For The Spot On The End Of Your Nose?

Do You Want To Be Remembered For The Spot On The End Of Your Nose?

Your hard work of sending all those attractive cover letters and your resume has finally paid off and you are invited to a face to face job interview. You will need to work very hard to perform well in an interview, so it is best to be prepared.
Set Yourself Up For Success

Set Yourself Up For Success

Simplifying your life is something most people would never consider. To simplify your life means to give up your wants and only spend your time, money, and energy on your needs. Doing this allows you ...
Is Prayer Effective?

Is Prayer Effective?

Prayer can be a controversial subject. While many swear by it, others attest it hasn't worked for them and those they know. However perhaps the key is more in understanding what is prayer and how it should be looked at rather than in taking a poll.
Responsibility is Power and Freedom

Responsibility is Power and Freedom

Why is responsibility important? Because once you take it; you receive power and freedom as well. Find out how.
Inspirational Mother Dove – Nature versus Nurture - How to be a Good Mom

Inspirational Mother Dove – Nature versus Nurture - How to be a Good Mom

All of us long for a loving mother. Many of you may feel like abandoned children, having grown up with mothers who did not cater to your needs properly. Therefore, you may be continually searching for
Watches From Skagen Designs

Watches From Skagen Designs

The world of watches is vast and teeming with numerous brands. With all kinds of watches from designer to sports to regular wear to technologically advanced. But choosing the one that is not only beau
Three Ways to Instantly Boost Your Self Esteem

Three Ways to Instantly Boost Your Self Esteem

You get what you focus on in life. If you have low self-esteem it is more than likely every thought you have is just making you feel worse about yourself. You need to snap out of your current mind set and do something different.