Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How Do I Know If I Am An Alcoholic?

It is said that the first step to recovery is recognizing that you have a problem.
But what if you are not sure? If you are surrounded by people who drink like you do, it is hard to compare.
Often times drinking friends, family or acquaintances will try to convince you that there is no problem with your alcohol consumption.
Here are some questions to ask yourself: 1.
You have just had a disappointment, for example, didn't get the job you applied for, or they are out of your favorite sushi roll at the take out bar.
Do you drink over it? 2.
When you first started drinking, a mickey, or a six pack were more than enough to last at least one night.
Now, do you need more alcohol to get the desired effect? 3.
The next day after drinking, your friends tell you about things you did or said that you do not remember.
Do you wish you remembered what they were talking about? 4.
You are getting ready for a party.
Do you have some extra drinks, to get ready to go drinking? 5.
You have plans to visit with an old friend at her parent's house.
You know they don't drink.
Do you feel uncomfortable at the thought of a visit without alcohol? 6.
You used to have your first drink of the day at a certain time.
Has that time moved forward, or are you watching the clock with anticipation? 7.
Have you ever switched liquor stores, so the clerks wouldn't think poorly of your liquor buying habits? 8.
Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking? 9.
Has your mom, sister, brother, dad or grandma ever suggested that you cut down on your drinking? 10.
You are out with your co-workers for a drink after work.
Suddenly they say they want to go home for dinner.
Do you wonder what is wrong with them for wanting to leave so early? 11.
Have you ever gotten drunk 'because my team won!' or 'because my team lost!'? 12.
Have you ever wondered 'why did I make such a fool out of myself last night?' But then blame the fact that you drank on an empty stomach? 13.
Does your good idea to stop drinking ever seem completely ridiculous by 5 p.
m? 14.
Has your drinking ever caused you enough anxiety that you have gotten anti-anxiety meds from your doctor? 15.
Have you ever gone on a bender? Stayed drunk for days at a time? 16.
After you have been drinking, do you sometimes hear or see things that aren't there? 17.
The morning after drinking, do your hands tremble? 18.
Have you ever actually asked someone for help about your drinking? 19.
Have you ever done a test to see if you are an alcoholic? It is often said that alcoholism is a self-diagnosed disease.
What this really means is, that most people will not get the help they need until they themselves decide they need help.
If you have answered yes to more than one question out of these 19, then there is a really good chance that you are an alcoholic.
You don't have to wait for things to get worse.
Get help now, while it is still your choice to get help.

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