People Are Just Not Miserable Enough
The meditative person is not an escapist; he is creative.
That is the criterion of real meditation: if it helps you to be creative only then is it true meditation; otherwise you are carrying something pseudo in the name of meditation.
- Osho This is certainly not the case with the young women in Australia aged between 18-34 years.
This age bracket is the one where there is the highest incidence of suicide and I believe where suicide is responsible for more deaths than anything else.
Unfortunately for these women there was no-one around to tell them about meditation and not only that the women themselves did not move in circles where meditation was even talked about let alone practised.
The only hope to pull people out of the anguish of their own minds is meditation and a meditative approach to life; all else is just hopeless.
You can have plenty of money, a great career, fantastic relationships and everything that most people would like but do not have, however ultimately we will find that everything has betrayed us.
But then it will be too late.
When Alexander the Great was dying he asked his courtiers to make sure both his hands were outside the coffin so that everybody could see he was going to the other shore empty handed.
Generally, people will die as they lived and if they have lived a false life they will die in misery, as they realise they had wasted their life in complaining about people, life and circumstances over which they never had any control.
How could they? Control is an illusion.
Someone who is fortunate enough to have had a taste of meditation knows there is another way to live life and this person lives with gratefulness and particularly a sense of humour especially about oneself.
Once this sense of humour becomes established we start laughing at ourselves not others and we certainly never complain about anyone or anything.
If we feel some social orders need change we will do that too with sincerity and totality.
When Buddha was dying his disciples were weeping and crying and he said to them, "Stop.
Whatever was worth knowing I have known and I have realized my potential.
You should rejoice because I have fulfilled my mission in life.
" If we truly are miserable and honestly think there is no way out then think again.
There is always someone who has travelled a few steps ahead of you who can suggest appropriate meditations.
But existentially, "thinking" itself is the problem and more precisely the identification we all have with the thinking mind that dominates our life.
Cheers Sam
That is the criterion of real meditation: if it helps you to be creative only then is it true meditation; otherwise you are carrying something pseudo in the name of meditation.
- Osho This is certainly not the case with the young women in Australia aged between 18-34 years.
This age bracket is the one where there is the highest incidence of suicide and I believe where suicide is responsible for more deaths than anything else.
Unfortunately for these women there was no-one around to tell them about meditation and not only that the women themselves did not move in circles where meditation was even talked about let alone practised.
The only hope to pull people out of the anguish of their own minds is meditation and a meditative approach to life; all else is just hopeless.
You can have plenty of money, a great career, fantastic relationships and everything that most people would like but do not have, however ultimately we will find that everything has betrayed us.
But then it will be too late.
When Alexander the Great was dying he asked his courtiers to make sure both his hands were outside the coffin so that everybody could see he was going to the other shore empty handed.
Generally, people will die as they lived and if they have lived a false life they will die in misery, as they realise they had wasted their life in complaining about people, life and circumstances over which they never had any control.
How could they? Control is an illusion.
Someone who is fortunate enough to have had a taste of meditation knows there is another way to live life and this person lives with gratefulness and particularly a sense of humour especially about oneself.
Once this sense of humour becomes established we start laughing at ourselves not others and we certainly never complain about anyone or anything.
If we feel some social orders need change we will do that too with sincerity and totality.
When Buddha was dying his disciples were weeping and crying and he said to them, "Stop.
Whatever was worth knowing I have known and I have realized my potential.
You should rejoice because I have fulfilled my mission in life.
" If we truly are miserable and honestly think there is no way out then think again.
There is always someone who has travelled a few steps ahead of you who can suggest appropriate meditations.
But existentially, "thinking" itself is the problem and more precisely the identification we all have with the thinking mind that dominates our life.
Cheers Sam