Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Is Prayer Effective?

Prayer is a very important subject.
It is an essential element of many religions.
It also can be controversial.
Some swear by it, others say it hasn't worked for them.
I would like to share my perspective from my knowledge of the Bible and personal experience.
I'll start with what it isn't.
It clearly isn't a magic formula for success.
The Bible itself speaks of sincere individuals not having their prayers answered, at least the way they wanted it to be answered.
For example, Paul speaks of a "thorn in the flesh" he was experiencing which he asked God to lift from him.
It hadn't happened.
Jesus asked God, if it be his will, to take the burden of the cross from him.
It wasn't removed.
In addition it isn't all about us.
So what then is prayer? Prayer is meant to be for others as well as ourselves and also a way to bring us closer to God.
If you read Paul's letters to churches, you find he constantly speaks of his prayers for them and how he rejoices in their progress.
He also requests them to pray for himself, such as when he was in prison.
Also, prayer is meant to be a partner in faith.
We express and add to our faith through our prayers.
In Philemon 1:22, Paul tells his friend Philemon, "And one thing more: Prepare a guest room for me, because I hope to be restored to you in answer to your prayers.
" Paul had the faith that he would be able to see his friend in answer to prayers to the degree that he requested a guest room be arranged for him.
For me personally, I have seen how prayer has helped me care more for others and draw closer to God.
For example, I have taught Sunday School for several years and found that as I have practiced praying for my students, I could see a real change in the climate in the classroom from my prayers.
My students could sense I had genuine concern for them.
Also, I have found that prayer for myself and others has been a great way to start the day.
Things almost always go better than if there had been no prayer.
So I believe prayer can be effective! This can't necessarily be measured in polls, but it can be discovered when done in the way it is supposed to be done.

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