Life Challenges - Adaptability Is Essential for Coping
Do you readily meet challenges that arise in your life and "go with the flow?" Adaptability may be the most essential characteristic that helps us effectively navigate the twists and turns along the road of life.
Prepaid Legals 101 Reasons Not To Be Without a Legal Plan
1. You donâ?'t have an up-to-date will.2. You donâ?'t understand the difference between a trust and a will.3. Family members challenge your parentâ?'s will.4. You donâ?'t understand your health insura
Leaders Must Earn RESPECT
How often have we heard someone in a position of leadership use as an excuse for a less than stellar performance that he could not do what he wanted to achieve because he couldn't do it himself, and not enough others (followers, supporters, donors, constituents, or potential ones) got involved
4 Keys to Writing Articles That Rock
As a coach writing articles is a powerful tool to help you help more people, and build your coaching business. But it is imperative to write articles that have substance. This can make or break the success of your articles.
A Body in Motion
A body image mentor highlights her recent injury and its impact on her exercise regimen, her body, and her overall well being.She discusses how loving her body through the process of healing brings up childlike feelings of fear and frustration and that only through self-love and self-care can she re
A Look at the Advantages of Business Leadership Coaching
While working in MNC or starting any small business, the leadership quality plays a vital role for making such business successful. There are several companies, which conduct business leadership coach
Could You Become a Coach?
Do you have what it takes to be a coach? Here are the key characteristics that are shared by effective coaches.
A Life Coaches View On Meditation
My only criteria when it comes to Life Coaching is can I help get my clients from where they are to where they want to be. At the end of the day, if my clients are happy, then so am I because they pay
Benefits Of Subliminal MP3
The reason why we look at the benefits of subliminal mp3s is to see if these recordings can change something in us.
The Leadership Style of God
Do you want to understand the leadership style of God? Of course, you will want to.
7 Strategic Steps to Become Super-Human
This is a post of a different kind. Hope you're ready €¦ I've been working online since 2008. I'm not super-human. I have a family, a husband, three young children, friends and relatives. I also ...
Use Self Affirmations the Right Way!
There are a lot of people who claim that practicing self affirmations really works. However, there are many others who don't experience success with it. What makes the difference between these 2 groups is down to having the knowledge of the right technique and mindset of practicing self affirma
The Prayer of Pure Instinct - HELP!
Now I know for myself, I am secretly wishing for help more often then I care to admit. There is no kind of help that is harder for the Divine to deliver then any other.If you pray for help when your child is sick its on the way.If you pray for help when your computer freezes up its on the way.If you
The Ashes of Disaster Are Good Food For the Roses of Success!
Drawing on the way a champion golfer recovered from disaster, the article argues that it is up to you to take action and "grow the roses of success" on "the ashes of disaster"...
10 Brain Health and Fitness New Year's Resolutions: Train your Brain
Let me suggest 10 New Year's Resolutions that will help you make 2008 a year of Brain Health and Fitness, based on three key guidelines for brain health: the need for novelty, variety and challenge."/
Personal Development Essentials - 7 Steps to Achieving Your Own Personal Development
With all the information out there on Personal growth it can be confusing how to proceed. This article provides a simple route map to help you organize your path to self development.
Leaders Know That Numbers Don't Tell The Whole Story
In our ever less personal, ever more technological and statistical world, we have witnessed more and more individuals in leadership positions fall into the trap of becoming far too dependent on numbers that they often refer to as metrics, statistics, data or gathered information. It seems that every
Lessons From Failures and Errors of Others
You read about people doing horrid things to others. You know of movie stars who are unfaithful in their marriage. You read of popular and successful politicians, lawyers, doctors and others who give in to temptation and ruin their careers. Let's not give in to gossiping about them and condemni
The Secret of Happiness - The Questions of Happiness
Happiness is a secret. Yet, right now, you have the chance to read about the secret of happiness. You see, this secret is not like those other secrets, it is different.
Improving Your Self Confidence
When you project self confidence you get further ahead.You feel better about yourself and people like to be around you.More opportunities open up for you naturally.Not everyone is 'born' with self con