Set Yourself Up For Success
Simplifying your life is something most people would never consider. To simplify your life means to give up your wants and only spend your time, money, and energy on your needs. Doing this allows you to focus your time, money, and energy on your personal goals and desires. This would allow you can change your life and turn it into what you want it to be.
For example, you work at a job you dislike because your income allows you to pay your monthly bills. But, what are your monthly bills?
Many people have new cars, expensive homes, premium cable channels, a Gardner, big screen TV's, boats, or RV's. These are nothing more than feel good items which people purchase because they think these items will make them feel better. They make you feel good for a little while, and then you go back to work on Monday, still stuck in your miserable job, working to pay for all the items which only make you feel good for a little while.
Life becomes nothing more than a vicious circle of buying feel good items, paying for them, buying and paying, buying and paying. Where does the cycle end?.
Sunday evening still arrives, right on schedule each week, and you begin thinking about going to work on Monday. You get an upset stomach, or a headache, or you get nervous, or you get depressed just because you start thinking about going to work the next morning. Did your feel good items really make you feel better, or did they just take you mind off of your job for a little while?
There is nothing wrong with having feel good items; most of us have many.. Our luxuries are an important part of our life, but they cannot be our total life. We cannot continue to work at a job we dislike simply to pay for our luxuries. If you want to change your life, you need to simplify it. You need to figure out the difference between your needs and wants and free up your resources and time so you can concentrate on making your life better.
Your time and money are precious resources which, if utilized correctly, will allow you to live the life you want and deserve to live.
Do you really need a new car? If you purchased a used car and a smaller home, you could save hundreds of dollars each month. You could then use the money you saved to change your life and begin living your dreams. You would know each and every work day, that you are not working just to pay bills, you are working to pay necessary bills and improve your life.
If you decide to simplify your life, you will notice an increase in your motivation. You will be on the road to success. You will have more control over your life which will give you a better outlook on life. Having more control will allow you to make your life into exactly what you want it to be.
For example, you work at a job you dislike because your income allows you to pay your monthly bills. But, what are your monthly bills?
Many people have new cars, expensive homes, premium cable channels, a Gardner, big screen TV's, boats, or RV's. These are nothing more than feel good items which people purchase because they think these items will make them feel better. They make you feel good for a little while, and then you go back to work on Monday, still stuck in your miserable job, working to pay for all the items which only make you feel good for a little while.
Life becomes nothing more than a vicious circle of buying feel good items, paying for them, buying and paying, buying and paying. Where does the cycle end?.
Sunday evening still arrives, right on schedule each week, and you begin thinking about going to work on Monday. You get an upset stomach, or a headache, or you get nervous, or you get depressed just because you start thinking about going to work the next morning. Did your feel good items really make you feel better, or did they just take you mind off of your job for a little while?
There is nothing wrong with having feel good items; most of us have many.. Our luxuries are an important part of our life, but they cannot be our total life. We cannot continue to work at a job we dislike simply to pay for our luxuries. If you want to change your life, you need to simplify it. You need to figure out the difference between your needs and wants and free up your resources and time so you can concentrate on making your life better.
Your time and money are precious resources which, if utilized correctly, will allow you to live the life you want and deserve to live.
Do you really need a new car? If you purchased a used car and a smaller home, you could save hundreds of dollars each month. You could then use the money you saved to change your life and begin living your dreams. You would know each and every work day, that you are not working just to pay bills, you are working to pay necessary bills and improve your life.
If you decide to simplify your life, you will notice an increase in your motivation. You will be on the road to success. You will have more control over your life which will give you a better outlook on life. Having more control will allow you to make your life into exactly what you want it to be.