What Difference Does the Return of Jesus Christ As Taught in the Scriptures Make to Our Life Now?
As we read through the first letter of the apostle John, when we come to I John Chapter 2 and verses 28 following, it almost appears to be a new section.
We shall find here some of the strongest statements ever made by John.
John writes about the Coming Again of Jesus Christ.
This is mentioned so frequently in the New Testament.
We know Jesus will return, in the same manner as He left.
We know He will come from where He left, and He will descend and appear on the Mount of Olives.
We also know something of what is going to happen, from the writings of Paul.
All those who belong to Christ Jesus are going to be swooped up with such an irresistible force that nothing will be able to hold me down on this earth.
The question which this raises and which John raises and which Peter raises too in his letter is this.
What difference does the knowledge of Coming Again of Jesus Christ make to our life now? Jesus came the first time to take away sin.
Next time He will come to take away saints.
It can be summed up succinctly in these few words.
Jesus is coming for those who are His.
It has to be in the air because there is no place on earth big enough to hold everyone.
It will be a great day, but John says that some Christians will not be very happy on that day, and others will be very confident.
Which group will you be in? Read the actual biblical text and allow God to speak to you to reassure you, comfort you or challenge you.
Some will be ashamed, silent, and shrinking away to the back of the crowd.
Others will be out there in the front wanting to meet Him and eager to greet Him.
Will some be trying to hide from Him, and trying to get behind someone, all because they did not abide, and all because they did not remain in Him? Continue means to abide, to remain, to stay, to dwell and has that connotation of permanence and stability.
There is so much more to this Christian Faith than being a Sunday Christian, whatever that may mean! It is not just our early enthusiasm that matters, but our being faithful in our 50's and 60' and 70's and right to the very end.
Remember, John is his 90's when he is writing these words.
Jesus taught, that if you are ashamed of Me in this life, I will be ashamed of you on that day.
This is a warning to us so that we will never even consider having to shrink away in shame or embarrassment.
Others will be "confident", and the word means, "bold to speak", and, on that day we will be able to say, "Lord, Here I am", because we did abide in Him and remain in Him and dwell in Him.
The question has to be asked, "If Jesus Christ came today, would we be rushing up to meet Him and speak to Him with open outstretched arms, or would we be shrinking back?" What is your reaction? How do you respond? Sandy Shaw
We shall find here some of the strongest statements ever made by John.
John writes about the Coming Again of Jesus Christ.
This is mentioned so frequently in the New Testament.
We know Jesus will return, in the same manner as He left.
We know He will come from where He left, and He will descend and appear on the Mount of Olives.
We also know something of what is going to happen, from the writings of Paul.
All those who belong to Christ Jesus are going to be swooped up with such an irresistible force that nothing will be able to hold me down on this earth.
The question which this raises and which John raises and which Peter raises too in his letter is this.
What difference does the knowledge of Coming Again of Jesus Christ make to our life now? Jesus came the first time to take away sin.
Next time He will come to take away saints.
It can be summed up succinctly in these few words.
Jesus is coming for those who are His.
It has to be in the air because there is no place on earth big enough to hold everyone.
It will be a great day, but John says that some Christians will not be very happy on that day, and others will be very confident.
Which group will you be in? Read the actual biblical text and allow God to speak to you to reassure you, comfort you or challenge you.
Some will be ashamed, silent, and shrinking away to the back of the crowd.
Others will be out there in the front wanting to meet Him and eager to greet Him.
Will some be trying to hide from Him, and trying to get behind someone, all because they did not abide, and all because they did not remain in Him? Continue means to abide, to remain, to stay, to dwell and has that connotation of permanence and stability.
There is so much more to this Christian Faith than being a Sunday Christian, whatever that may mean! It is not just our early enthusiasm that matters, but our being faithful in our 50's and 60' and 70's and right to the very end.
Remember, John is his 90's when he is writing these words.
Jesus taught, that if you are ashamed of Me in this life, I will be ashamed of you on that day.
This is a warning to us so that we will never even consider having to shrink away in shame or embarrassment.
Others will be "confident", and the word means, "bold to speak", and, on that day we will be able to say, "Lord, Here I am", because we did abide in Him and remain in Him and dwell in Him.
The question has to be asked, "If Jesus Christ came today, would we be rushing up to meet Him and speak to Him with open outstretched arms, or would we be shrinking back?" What is your reaction? How do you respond? Sandy Shaw