Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Origin Of Vision

This article was designed to inspire readers to develop vision.
To be able to compete in today's world you must continually come up with new concepts.
It may be published if the resource box is left intact.
There is much talk of vision in the business world as well as in personal life.
Vision is essential for success in any venture.
Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs (29:18).
But what is vision and where does it come from? There is vision of the eyes and vision of the mind.
In biblical times people had visions from God, and some claim to have visions today.
We usually think of vision in regard to business ventures or other goals.
Vision originates in the mind but how does one bring it forth? It is a combination of knowledge wisdom, imagination and brainstorming.
We sometimes call it, "thinking outside of the box," but what exactly is the box? The box might be defined as the conventional way of thinking.
That is where imagination comes in.
When everything obvious fails to come up with the answer, we must conjure it up from the right brain.
Sometimes we have to go beyond what is considered logical.
The left brain can only deal with known factors.
Right brain thinking does not bother with reason, but brings up everything no matter how outlandish it appears.
Inventions do not come from what is possible but what is impossible at the time.
The employees of Henry Ford kept saying that what he was telling them to do was impossible.
He would say, "do it anyway.
" New things are not possible until we come up with concepts that have not been developed yet.
The box of conventional thinking always says that it can't be done when known principles fail.
In box thinking can only rehash the current systems.
It takes vision to come up with new concepts outside the box.
How then do you develop the capacity to think outside the box, to have vision? You could start out listing every idea you can think of even if impossible at the time.
Look at each one and ask the question, "what if.
" This idea is impossible because of present knowledge, but what if we develop a new concept? What are some possible new principles that could be developed? We have to look at things from different perspectives.
New concepts are developed frequently that had not been thought of before.
Vision is seeing in the mind what you want to accomplish and coming up with a plan that will get it done.
People with vision spend a lot of time dreaming.
You must be able to see yourself at every step of the plan and envision the obstacles and how to overcome them.
You must see yourself accomplishing your purpose and feeling what it will be like.
It would be advisable to develop plan B in case the first one fails.
You must find the resources and the courage to implement the plan.
Vision comes from faith in self, faith in your maker to bring to mind answers that escape you, and faith in others to accept, assist and buy.
Vision involves logical and un-logical thinking.
New concepts must be developed with both sides of the brain.
Those with vision are in big demand.
Large corporations often run on the vision of one man.
There is high risk, but big rewards for such positions, but the greatest risk is having no vision.

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