Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Fear Blocks the Flow of Love

Fear is a beast that destroys everything.
We have to make an effort to move beyond fear.
Fear has the ability to dominate every aspect of our lives especially when it comes to relationships.
Fear is like a leech and once it attaches to an experience or us it stays there continuing to feed off of us.
When fear attaches itself to some aspect of our lives that fear becomes a part of us and we end up getting in our own way.
In order to get out of our own way we have to lose our minds.
Our mind is where the fear takes form and Love resides in our Spirits.
Fear and love can no longer co-exist.
Love is positive energy and fear is negative energy; they are opposites.
We cannot love with emotions that stem from worry and fears of the unknown.
Ask yourself this, how can someone love with fears of "What if's?" How can someone love him or herself if he or she is full of fear? If you live in fear of your heart being broken, how can you love someone? How can someone love with doubts, which ultimately stem from fear? I often wonder how people can fear God and love God at the same time, when fear blocks the flow of love.
To think is to know; to not know is to flow.
To flow is not to think.
To think is to mind; No mind is spirit.
Spirit is not to think.
Spirit is to flow; mind is to know.
Flow is no mind.
Fear is to mind; Mind is to block.
Block is to not flow.
Not flow is to fear.
Love is to Spirit; Spirit is to flow.
Flow is no mind.
No mind is to Love.
Fear blocks the flow of love within ourselves and to others.
So if you're looking for a scapegoat fear is where the finger should be pointed.
Since fear attached itself to you then you are pointing the finger at yourself.
We create our fears when we worry about the future and if we want to eliminate fear, we have to live in the "Now.
" When we live in the "Now" it's impossible to live in fear of the future because what's happening in the moment is unfolding with each breath.
Technically, the "Now" is all we have so why spend your time in fear of the unknown, in fear of what could happen? If you really think about it, a lot of us spend so much time replaying the past and thinking about the future.
It really makes you wonder who is actually "Here".
With each creation of fear, an individual is creating walls of fear that take the form of a box.
Inside this box is a window that allows the individual to be warned of what/who is coming his or her way.
To the individual this box is for protection from the outside when the individual inside the box causes the most harm.
Those of you who fear the past becoming the future, ultimately end up with the "Now" being the past.
Thus, your reality is in the past; hence why you enter a relationship full of fear or live in fear.
Learn from the past then release it, live in the "Now", and accept that the future is to be determined.

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