Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Joy Is the Juice

Joy Is the Juice

"If you work for money, you are no better than a slave. If you do anything you don't enjoy in life, you are no better than a slave!" Wow! Strong words from my first spiritual ...
Women’S Health: Springtime Is a Great Time For a ‘Soliday’!

Women’S Health: Springtime Is a Great Time For a ‘Soliday’!

It's Friday afternoon, you've faced another long week at work. You love your job and your family but the kids are driving you up the wall and it's hubby's night out with the guys. So ...
Do I Need Batteries For My Enlightenment?

Do I Need Batteries For My Enlightenment?

There is a great deal of hype about enlightenment these days, should we give up work and seek our inner selves or should we carry on regardless knowing that they are lurking about unheard inside of us? We hear talk of Light Workers, Healers and Seers and increasingly, many of us feel that we do not
Conversational Hypnosis - The Key to Improving Your Sales Ability

Conversational Hypnosis - The Key to Improving Your Sales Ability

Conversational hypnosis can quite easily prove to be the key to improving your selling ability. Once you master the art and know how to take full advantage of its techniques, you are well on your way to becoming a super sales person.
Creating Abundance

Creating Abundance

How do you create abundance in your life?There is more to it than thinking positively and focusing on what you want.While positive thinking and clarity are helpful they may be masking the true feeling you are experiencing which is the feeling of lack.Because we attract into our lives whatever we are
Believing in Self and Happiness

Believing in Self and Happiness

Need greater confidence? Try being happy to accomplish that greater self-confidence.
500 Words

500 Words

500 Words: "If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others... The first thing I would share would be to stop at nothing to know the truth.
Death of Your Success

Death of Your Success

Did you know that the leading killer in this country for success is that dreaded disease called procrastination?Many dreams have been snuffed out of existence before they ever get a chance to blossom because of this enemy.Not sure if you have it?
New Year Resolution Tips - Find a Mentor!

New Year Resolution Tips - Find a Mentor!

Do you have a dream, a New Year resolution, or set of daily goals that seem daunting? Have no fear. You don't have to go it alone. Why not find a buddy to share the journey, take a class to expand your knowledge and make some new friends who share your vision, and seek out a mentor to advise an
The Way to a Better Life Through God

The Way to a Better Life Through God

Most people go through their whole lives without realising there is a better way of doing things. Many bump along from day to day, getting tied in knots, getting irritated, losing sight of the things that are important, and can't see a way out. Others find themselves in intolerable situations w
Happiness Can Change the World

Happiness Can Change the World

This article takes being happy to a new level.It explores how personal contentment can help transform the world into a better place for us all.
What Does White Space And Getting More Done Have To Do With Each Other?Find Out.

What Does White Space And Getting More Done Have To Do With Each Other?Find Out.

Burned out, stressed out, under achieving people are not happy people. Unhappy people are not productive people.
Setting SMART Goals

Setting SMART Goals

In this month of November - before the holidays are in full swing - it is the perfect time to set goals for the new year! Take a moment and think about what you want ...
Goals - Learning the Two Totally Different Types in Order to Dramatically Increase Your Success

Goals - Learning the Two Totally Different Types in Order to Dramatically Increase Your Success

There are two different types of goals. INPUT goals focus on what you need to do. OUTPUT goals focus on what you get out or what gets produced.
Quick Tips For a Decluttered Life

Quick Tips For a Decluttered Life

Physical clutter just bogs us down. It makes everything harder to do- from thinking straight to finding your car keys. Most people recognize the positive power of having a de-cluttered work space, but most people aren't really sure about how to get started cleaning up the accumulated mess...
Bikram, Bootism and Promises to Self

Bikram, Bootism and Promises to Self

When we agree to do something for ourselves, whether it be self-care, exercise, coaching, development, drawing a picture, whatever - we make a promise to ourselves to do it. If we don't do it, or give it 100%, we don't get the results, we break the promise to ourselves, and then lose self
We All Need Basic Principles For Our Life's Work In Leadership, Mission And Ministry

We All Need Basic Principles For Our Life's Work In Leadership, Mission And Ministry

In these studies from the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament, we move on into Luke Chapter 10, where we are looking at some of the things Jesus did and said once He had set his face to go to Jerusalem.Jesus appointed 72 others - for a period of ministry - sending them out two by two - and they were
Learn How Letting Go Helps You Get a Grip!

Learn How Letting Go Helps You Get a Grip!

I have been studying and practicing self-development, goal achieving, and confidence building for the past two years now at while at the start of my journey I would have what I called Light bulb moments on a constant basis. I would realise that by focusing on what I didn't want to happen I subc
Marketing Your Life Coaching Practice: 3 Essential Tips

Marketing Your Life Coaching Practice: 3 Essential Tips

As the field of life coaching continues to expand, there is increasing opportunity for new coaches to establish themselves in the marketplace.
Everything Speaks To Me

Everything Speaks To Me

Have you become aware of the divine synchronicity in your life, to where you can say, "everything speaks to me"? Learning how to read the book of life definitely isn't easy by any means; it takes a life time of practice. I only know what I know from my own self-realization, but I feel