Finding Paradise in the Now
Are you thinking or hoping you will find paradise in your future? Have you ever caught yourself saying any of the following? Life will be better when I am finished school ..
I find a new job ...
I find a good relationship ...
I win the lottery ..
I have a bigger or better house or car..
I have more money ...
I can move? Those are all great dreams or goals, but do you ever notice that often our focus on what we want for our future can make us unhappy in the now? This is often caused because now we have inadvertently placed a focus on what we do not have in our life or the perceived lack in it.
It can make our current life seem less perfect when we desire more for ourselves.
According to the Law of Attraction, this creates the opposite effect of what we really want.
What if I told you there are ways around this? That there are ways to have and enjoy all that life has to offer now, while we also plan for and anticipate a great future? What if we did not have to wait for our paradise to come to us only sometime in the future? What if life could feel more like paradise now as well? One good way to enjoy our life in the now is by focusing on what we are currently grateful for in our lives.
What is happening in your life right now that is creating or could be part of a current paradise? When we appreciate all there is in our now - we get a much better now and a dazzling future.
It does not matter what we currently have that is perceived as a negative in our lives; it is all a question of our focus.
When we try to focus on all that we can love in the now, we start to enjoy our life more now as we attract more good things for our future.
Moving from one paradise to another is a very good way to live all our dreams.
It is all about our focus.
What is your focus?
I find a new job ...
I find a good relationship ...
I win the lottery ..
I have a bigger or better house or car..
I have more money ...
I can move? Those are all great dreams or goals, but do you ever notice that often our focus on what we want for our future can make us unhappy in the now? This is often caused because now we have inadvertently placed a focus on what we do not have in our life or the perceived lack in it.
It can make our current life seem less perfect when we desire more for ourselves.
According to the Law of Attraction, this creates the opposite effect of what we really want.
What if I told you there are ways around this? That there are ways to have and enjoy all that life has to offer now, while we also plan for and anticipate a great future? What if we did not have to wait for our paradise to come to us only sometime in the future? What if life could feel more like paradise now as well? One good way to enjoy our life in the now is by focusing on what we are currently grateful for in our lives.
What is happening in your life right now that is creating or could be part of a current paradise? When we appreciate all there is in our now - we get a much better now and a dazzling future.
It does not matter what we currently have that is perceived as a negative in our lives; it is all a question of our focus.
When we try to focus on all that we can love in the now, we start to enjoy our life more now as we attract more good things for our future.
Moving from one paradise to another is a very good way to live all our dreams.
It is all about our focus.
What is your focus?