Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Addictions and Cravings - How to Stop Food Addictions and Cravings

When being on diet, people struggle often with food addictions and cravings.
To overcome all sorts of unwanted emotional feelings, not only feelings from cravings to addictions, but also emotional eating or the fear of failing with your diet scheme, there are many different psychological techniques that you can use.
One technique is for example NLP, neuro-linguistic programming.
The founders of the NLP techniques were originally studying what methods get used by the most successful psychotherapists and from that they developed NLP.
As strange as these methods may first seem, if you take into account how they were developed, they must be also a successful tool to conquer addictions and cravings for food.
Also EFT, emotional freedom technique, is getting more and more popular to stop unwanted feelings from cravings to addictions and more.
Although the background is not so scientific, the method combines modern psychology with principles based on acupuncture points, which have been successfully used by the Chinese for thousands of years.
In both, addictions and cravings, a new pattern of behavior must be acquired, and it is often beneficial to also treat the body, not only the mind.
This does not necessarily mean to take medication but rather to eat whole foods or even going on a raw food diet for a while, taking vitamin and mineral supplements and giving yourself a rest from too much stress.
Also supplements like l-glutamine are helpful as l-glutamine is known to help with food and even with alcohol addictions and cravings.
To overcome food addictions and cravings , regardless of the severity, you must become aware of the fact that you are dealing with a learned behavior, and that there also exist methods to unlearn this behavior and set up a new pattern.

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