Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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How to Live in Unshakeable Tranquility

How to Live in Unshakeable Tranquility

A friend told me recently that their desire is to live in a state of unshakeable tranquility. That got me thinking - I realized that, to me, tranquility is unshakeable only when I'm unattached to outcome, when I'm willing to roll with whatever's happening. "Serenity is not freedo
Anger Management Explained - Important Facts You Must Know

Anger Management Explained - Important Facts You Must Know

This article tells you all you need to know about how to manage anger! Read on.
Don't Be a Fair Weather Colleague

Don't Be a Fair Weather Colleague

I was beyond surprised when one of my colleagues made this comment about our team lead: "Just you wait until our conversion date, when times get tough she will flake out. I can tell you right now that she will not be there when things get down and dirty."
What Is Inner Strength?

What Is Inner Strength?

How do you handle adversity in your life? Do you pick yourself up and brush yourself off or do fall down and stay down. No matter who you are, you have the power of inner strength within you but it's up to you to tap into it.
The Magic of Words

The Magic of Words

It's impossible to over-emphasize the power of language. "I can't do that" is often followed by the inability to do something. "I never win anything" almost never results in a grand prize drawing with your name on it. "Why does this always happen to me?" usual
How to Be Truly Happy

How to Be Truly Happy

I want to tell you about the attitude of those who find happiness. Maybe, just maybe if you are able to learn from their attitudes and inculcate them in your daily life, you'll be able to find happiness in your own niche. I learned these tips after many failures at happiness and it has worked f
Successful People Master The Art of Follow Through

Successful People Master The Art of Follow Through

No! Successful people are not perfect. In fact they probably make more mistakes than most people, due to their willingness to keep trying. However, successful people become resolute on this one thing; success comes to the ones who have decided to have it; and it is in pursuit of their intended goal
Are You Happy As Bees Making Honey?

Are You Happy As Bees Making Honey?

In this article we take a look at happiness and what makes us happy. Are you happy? When we are trying our best to work and make a living and create a life, we say things like: when I make X amount of dollars from my business I'll be happy. The question I want to ask is, is it true?
Learning From Defeat

Learning From Defeat

I enjoyed a History Channel presentation on Gladiator History & Times the other evening. It featured the story of the gladiator Verus. He was one of the only gladiators to have one of his fights written about blow by blow. He said he learned more from defeat than from victory.
Don't Quit

Don't Quit

Top Ten Sucess Tips
Goal Setting Tips and Techniques

Goal Setting Tips and Techniques

Changing behaviour is never easy. After a holiday break you are hopefully determined to make some changes to your current habits. Here are a few ideas to help you kick-start 2009.
The Definition of Success

The Definition of Success

There are a lot of individuals that don't understand the definition of success. Because of this, there is a rising need to provide additional information as to what success really is. Here we'll try to cover what success means in the general respect such as getting out of debt, climbing Mo
Finding Uncomplicated Secrets For Stocks to Watch

Finding Uncomplicated Secrets For Stocks to Watch

Ask any seasoned investor what are the key is to creating smart investment choices and, without hesitation, they're going to tell you research. Sure, it may be fun to learn a hunch or a hot ...
Dreams, Goals, Action and Effort

Dreams, Goals, Action and Effort

I want to share something with all of you. As employees we have been conditioned not to think. We have been told what to do for ages. "Smith, get me those TPS reports!" "Ramirez, I need you to finish these invoices by the end of the day!", and the demands go on and on. We are not
Expand Your Consciousness Using Brainwave Entrainment

Expand Your Consciousness Using Brainwave Entrainment

Expanding your consciousness is an experience that enhances your life on many levels, but it can be difficult to do if you can't access the proper brainwave frequency. Brainwave entrainment is an easy and effective tool that can be used to help you expand your consciousness quickly.
"Thoughts Become Things," So You Can Begin to Realize How Important it is to Choose Them W

"Thoughts Become Things," So You Can Begin to Realize How Important it is to Choose Them W

Choosing your thoughts wisely, can change your entire life by the simple comprehension of who you are. There can never be enough said for the Power of our Thoughts! "Thoughts become things", the new adage given as a reminder of just how important it is to let our minds dwell on whatever is
Do You Believe in Luck?

Do You Believe in Luck?

It is a very interesting question to ponder: do you believe in luck or do you think that what happens to you in your life is essentially a product of your own effort? Of course the law of attraction suggests that you are indeed creating your own reality, to a large extent, whether or not that realit
Memory and Mind Reset - Simple Strategies to Increase Your Mental Acuity and Recall

Memory and Mind Reset - Simple Strategies to Increase Your Mental Acuity and Recall

Scientists have recently discovered that merely closing your eyes will help reset your brain in the same way that sleep helps reset things. This is not to be considered a substitute for sleep, we all need sleep, however it does reveal some insight to strategies that we can all use to help improve ou
The Power of Affirmations - Rewire Your Neurons to Empower Your Beliefs

The Power of Affirmations - Rewire Your Neurons to Empower Your Beliefs

If you wish to change your negative beliefs into empowering beliefs then you must rewire your brain. How do you do this? Well, you do it in exactly the same way that you created the negative beliefs that currently rule your brain.
Successful Mind Power

Successful Mind Power

It is no coincidence that you are reading this article, as Tony Robbins would say, €The Quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask yourself€ And you are probably ...