Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Are You Happy As Bees Making Honey?

In this article we take a look at happiness and what makes us happy.
Are you happy? When we are trying our best to work and make a living and create a life, we say things like: when I make X amount of dollars from my business I'll be happy.
The question I want to ask is, is it true? Some people will answer YES and some will still not know until they reach that X dollar level.
The thing is, money does not always equal happiness.
There are a bunch of people who have money to last the forever and they are not now, or will they be happy.
On the other hand, some people relate money with happiness and security.
Once you reach your financial goal you may find it makes you happy for a while.
When you look at it closer you find out that soon you feel just like you did before.
You start to wonder, what is my next goal and what will it take to make me happy.
If you take a much closer look you see that you are in the same boat and now you just have more money.
On a long term basis, making more money does not make you happy.
You have to think about what will make you happy.
This is something that only you know, that is...
what makes you happy.
Once you can answer that you have the 'dream' and you can expand that dream into your reality.
It is often said that we create our own future and to a degree it is true.
I am not saying that you can have one hundred percent control over everything in your life.
That being said, you can control your reaction.
You can be happy or you can make a choice to not be happy.
See, it is all up to you.
Knowing that you have a choice, you should outline a plan so you know what makes you happy and how you are going to get there.
You do not have to stay on the island of happiness forever.
Feel free to jump into a boat and sail to doom and gloom if you like, but once you do it might motivate you to come back to the island of happiness very quickly.
So, knowing what you know now, Plan your work and work your plan and I'll see you in happiness land.

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