Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Goal Setting Tips and Techniques

Changing behaviour is never easy. After a holiday break you are hopefully determined to make some changes to your current habits. Here are a few ideas to help you kick-start 2009.

Write down your goals

Write down your goals. Too many people commit their goals to memory. A goal is not a goal unless it is written down. Goals in your memory are merely aspirations. There are mountains of evidence that confirms a goal written down has a far better chance of being achieved than an aspiration.

Use a To Do List

Every day you need to have a To Do List. It works better if it is in your diary. Many people get confused thinking that their computer diary is their To Do List Diary. If you are not putting your To Do List in your software diary then it is merely an appointment tracker. If you don't like the idea of putting a To Do List in your computer diary then just buy an A5 size, one page per day diary for $5.00 and use this for your daily To Do List.

Read more personal development books

All of us have some areas of improvement in our lives. Maybe we are scared of negotiating or public speaking. Maybe our work/life balance is uneven. There is a multitude of books now available in Australia. Borders Books has probably got the biggest development section. If you would like to start reading personal development books then here are some international bestsellers that will get you motivated.

  • Who Moved my Cheese?

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad

  • How to win friends and influence people

  • The 7 Habits of highly effective people

  • The richest man in Babylon

  • Learned Optimism

  • Awaken the giant within

  • In search of excellence

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Calm at work

  • The 5 dysfunctions of a team

Get more laughter into your life

It is no secret that the more we laugh the better we feel. Life is too short to be gloomy. Laughter is contagious. If you are not laughing enough then it is time to get started. Try these films to start you off:

  • Planes Trains and Automobiles

  • Uncle Buck

  • Ferris Buellers Day off

  • Blues Brothers

  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

  • There's Something about Mary

Give More

Altruism has been found to increase the enjoyment of your life and also to add years to your life. The more you give the better you feel. At the end of 2009 wouldn't it be great if one of your best feelings of the year was something that you were truly proud of. Australia is often labeled as a lucky country. You can help change peoples lives and this will add value to your life.

Just take the following three steps:

  1. Think about what charity or cause is most important to you

  2. Google your cause and you will find some organisations involved

  3. Phone the organisation and say you would like to help

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